These short-handed, off-base remarks are near insufferable. Your(swift coder, hodgman, braindigitalis) response to others comments are merely cheap shots with out providing something tangible to retaliate with. You are not debating with substance, but the lack of.
The fact that there are only 14 people on that list, doesn't give you pause for thought?
Note that there is no matching list of "notable men in the video game industry", likely because (a) it would be hellishly long, and (b) no one considers it surprising for men to be notable in the video game industry...
FableFox presented something substantive. Your retaliation can be summed up as "Sure their are SOME women, but not enough and their is something wrong with that." And then you go on to implicitly demonize men because their are too many and no body would be surprised if a man were successful in the gaming industry. Why should they be surprised if a women is in the industry? By your logic, it should be a surprise if a women is successful. You have just lowered the social expectations of women around the world.
And besides, why is it wrong that their is not the same number of women in the industry? Maybe not as many women want to be software engineers. Is that the fault of the imaginary white-male patriarchy dominated society? Are women wrong for not all wanting to be software engineers? Why should their be the same number of women in the field if not the same number of them are interested? This is not right-wing propaganda, this is fact.
Meanwhile, on YouTube, the moon landings didn't happen, there's. Nazi south Pole ufo base and the twin towers were demolished by Jewish supremacists?
The conspiracy theories are strong with this one... :lol:
No one will argue that these things don't exist on YouTube. However there are also many reputable sources on YouTube, because they provide sources for their facts after which they form an opinion off of. Not everybody on YouTube is teenager pushing superficial opinions about the next upcoming season of the jersey shore. YouTube has been out of its state of infancy for many years now. It is no longer just a place to post home videos of your cats. It provides an outlet for many serious topics including world news. Your trite remarks are not productive.
So.... It's pretty much undeniable that crazy leftist conspiracy theory is true
Meanwhile, far right wing politics are taking over most countries in the western world and pushing more and more fascism upon us.
I think once in a while someone need to walk out of an echo chamber.
As stated already, since when did nationalism become confused with fascism? Please, tell me what the left version of fascism is and why that is an acceptable form of society? Because that is exactly what is happening. I am actually tugging for a conversation on this one with you Hodg, because trust me, I truly respect your technical skills and your reputation on the forums is well deserved. You are obviously very learned in the field of software, but I disagree with your politics.