Interesting. Makes me wonder of Tom Sloper has some insights he could share.
Well, there is another article about the incident, at - actually,
it's point-counterpoint, so two articles. colleague, Anthony Borquez, organized that event, and I was coincidentally organizing a similar but
much smaller (and less publicized) event for the following night. I was unaware of the event he was
organizing. Mine was "Game Industry Careers Night," and I do it every April. I get some folks to come
and share their stories and advice, then take questions from the students and mingle afterwards.
I announced a list of speakers (all men at first, because I hadn't yet received confirmation from a
female invitee) and got an inquiry if I couldn't invite a woman. Within minutes of that inquiry, my
female speaker confirmed she would be coming, and that satisfied the matter. Since my event was the
night after the cancelled event, I brought up the issue of diversity. It's something I do bring up in my
game classes, too. My event was very small (maybe 30 students in all, in a regular classroom). Started
at 7PM and the speakers and students were still chatting after 9PM when the staff was trying to lock up
the building.