
Week Of Awesome III - The Afterparty/judging thread!

Started by August 17, 2015 04:03 AM
155 comments, last by Orymus3 7 years, 2 months ago

You get stronger the closer you get to dying but usually you die completely before you have time to take advantage of it. After a while I found out it was just better to avoid the enemies altogether and just run. I reached a power panel and turned the power on, and then I died and spawned and respawned in a bunch of enemies 20 times until I quit. Needs some tweaking.

Ha, yeah I sort of regret that the last thing I did before submitting the game was it about twice as hard as it was earlier, I should have done more external testing, I just kept upping it until I found it difficult which obviously isn't a fair measure given that I was the one developing it.

Character did not rotate to look at my mouse pointer making it very hard to aim. Maybe it was my screen resolution that dit it? Screen shakes a lot if you walk into walls or collide with enemies.

Ugh, I thought I'd finally managed to fix that :/

If anyone is interested I'm doing quick minireviews of all the entered games.

Follow the progress here:

4 done, 19 to go!

EDIT: 18 to go. Guess I shouldn't review my own game. Or maybe I should? Hmmmm, interesting concept...

Great review, mostly the stuff you had an issue with was the "broken build" that we were trying to rebuild for 4 hours. If you check my blog I posted a link to the fixed stuff. We did want to add in more stuff (such as a death screen and some other things) but because the build took 6 hours we could not add anything. It was a big error... and one that cost us serious points.


I wrote up part 1 of a postmortem (if you could call it that) talking about the design of Soulwielder, how it differs from the original vision, what I think would've made it better, etc.


Good work with the quick mini reviews DKoding!

Mechanics and gameplay
Enter dungeon and find loot. Then go to the exit. There are traps and enemies to avoid, and buttons to press to open doors. Some puzzle elements. Nothing original but it works. I scratched my head hard at level 2 already - is the level even solvable?

I'll have to retest the levels because you have me worried now! They should all be solvable though. If you can't get a full score you can leave the level early, just go back to the stairs and it will complete. You can get the end of the "story" still then.

Spoilers below for anyone who hasn't played the game yet but may still do so!

If you want help with level 2:


It is easier to solve than I had intended. It was supposed to be like a race. Send an orc down the left corridor and race to the second and third to block off the paths. I did not have time to make the corridors work correctly timing wise though.

To solve, send an orc down the second and third corridor. This will trigger the spike traps allowing you to send an orc down the first corridor. The spike traps will guide him to the loot and into a toggle switch opening the door to the big loot at the top.

That is of course as long as I didnt break it without realising.


Hmm each time I died I just restarted the level. Not much use in that I guess... Or am I missing something?

Regarding the theme, I couldn't flesh out the game mechanics well enough to fully capture the theme but:


Death of the main character is in no way useful, it often isn't! The death of your minions is useful to you though. They "find" traps so you dont have to and their deaths open up new paths in level. Or at least this was the idea.

I don't know if you got to the endgame outro. There is a bit more story, its just some context really, it has a little twist to it...


Other notes
It was a little hard to see the spikes and pitfalls. The player appears to walk even when standing still. Is it solvable?

The visibility of the spike and pits is by design although it may have been a bit difficult. I wanted them to be visible to someone playing the level a few times but also surprising to someone who hadn't played the level yet or who wasn't paying attention. It allows the use of minion orcs/rogues to fit into the theme more.

I'm glad you gave my game a try, I wish I could have finished / polished it a bit more. Might have grabbed your interest more!

I'm glad you gave my game a try, I wish I could have finished / polished it a bit more. Might have grabbed your interest more!

Wow, now I am ashamed. I totally missed I could summon orcs! No wonder that game was hard! Totally my fault, I will redo the review this afternoon.

Gamedev journal:


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Great review, mostly the stuff you had an issue with was the "broken build" that we were trying to rebuild for 4 hours. If you check my blog I posted a link to the fixed stuff. We did want to add in more stuff (such as a death screen and some other things) but because the build took 6 hours we could not add anything. It was a big error... and one that cost us serious points.

I will check your finished game later, although I think it is appropriate to do reviews for the versions that were submittet to the contest within the official time limit.

If enough people create a post-competition version of their game I can revisit all the games at a later time. Could be fun!

Gamedev journal:


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DKoding, if you (or any others) are going to play Soulwielder (my entry), you might want to first check out a short summary of the mechanics in my journal post here, under the bold text "Summary of Gameplay".

Because honestly, the in-game tutorial kind of left some stuff out...such as the major mechanic of how souls turn to demons over

You don't have to read the whole post, of course; in fact, I'd discourage reading all but the summary of gameplay before playing the game.

Thanks in advance for the review!


I'm glad you gave my game a try, I wish I could have finished / polished it a bit more. Might have grabbed your interest more!

Wow, now I am ashamed. I totally missed I could summon orcs! No wonder that game was hard! Totally my fault, I will redo the review this afternoon.

No need to be ashamed! If you could miss a major game mechanic then I mustn't of made it clear enough! I really had hoped to get an in game tutorial in place but I really overstretched myself. There should be a readme (txt,doc,pdf) in the downloads root folder at least I hope there is... (Thats a lot of lost points if I forgot to include it.) It has brief overview, controls and a full score solution to level 1.

The controls and solution should also be in one of my earlier journal entries.

hey guys, I put my game in the Game Jolt, and it's on the home page ... you guys can rate there and help, please <3

Great game and character design, I rated it maximum, but for this I expect in the next version to have the possibility to run/sprint biggrin.png.

I have put also my game smile.png :

All these people with crossposts... WHERE DID YOU FIND THE TIME?!

I have a dual monitor setup, one for programming, one for lurking biggrin.png .

If anyone is interested I'm doing quick minireviews of all the entered games.

Great job with the reviews, is an interesting feeling to receive my first review for a game, I feel important biggrin.png. Would be nice if every game would have a screenshot.

I want just to offer some insight, to see what was in the developer's mind about some aspects:

Well... there is death. But useful? Maybe I am missing something.

At the beginning of the game we can see that Death was missing and enemies can't be killed, but once we find it:

- Death is becoming useful because the enemies can be killed

- Death is is giving us some reward which can make the game experience to be more easy or more challenging by affecting our hero's abilities ( extra weapon stamina power; extra lives and checkpoints; halved weapon stamina power, no checkpoints, a timer which needs to be feed by killing enemies and as you discovered, an infinite dead loop if you try to change the tricky reward to a much pleasant one ( sad.png ) )

- we need to die for activating/changing the reward

- after we die repeatedly we are learning the enemies behavior and locations, so we can get better at the game after dying repeatedly

Other notes
Some small glitches, one forced me to close the game and restart. (Player enters a repeated die loop and falls off the screen forever.)

I have figured out what is happening, is because you choose the tricky reward which gives you time limit after you die, and after you changed to another reward but the game still thinks there is a time limit active with 0 seconds remaining because I did this stupid thing:

timerEnabled == false;

instead of correctly: timerEnabled = false;


That the player jumps repeatedly when landing on spikes looks a little odd.

This is happening only when Death is missing, because our character cannot die, but he feels the pain which make him jump, the only solution is to use the teleporter and go back to the start of the level.

Hard to know which chest to choose when there is no in-game description of what each of them does.

This is intentional and is a nod to my favorite game 'Dark Souls', where many things are cryptic, the player should find out by making a choice and observing what are the consequences of that choice. For this we are given just enough clues, choose 1 of 3 and after you die you will see the effect which they have on you.

Thank you for taking time and having patience to play my game until the end, it makes me happy smile.png.

I am thinking in the future to improve my game by following:

- right now you can shoot only straight forward, I want our hero to be able to shoot at any angle

- add more diverse enemy types, also flying monsters so you can take advantage of shooting at any angle

- add more weapon types

- add some multiplayer functionality: you can summon other players to play the level coop, you can be invaded by other players as enemy (Dark Souls again smile.png )

- find an appropriate name

I had uploaded the wrong version (To be exact, I compiled a version, but forgot to update the ZIP file) I changed the file behind the link to the newer one, so now, so I hope its okay. (You can check that no code has changed since the end of the competition)

Does this mean you're wanting to use a version that wasn't uploaded/linked at the end of the competition?

Yes, thats what I am saying. If thats illegal, I will lose some minor changes (Specifically changing the help text from "Press space" to "Press enter", which was in the code (You can check), and even in the dist (you can check that to) in time, but somehow didn't end up being in the zip, which is a stupid mistake I made.

My CVMy money management app: ELFSHMy game about shooting triangles: Lazer of Death

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