
Week of Awesome III - The competition Thread

Started by August 10, 2015 04:00 AM
282 comments, last by Orymus3 9 years, 2 months ago

Anybody got any advice for setting up the splash screen for Unity?

I'm using the free version so I can't do it through that, I have actually got a splash screen in but in the web player at least it's really blurry.

I think I'm done except for text cues and making things look nicer, oh and sound.

Animations are going to stay as they are, I truly do not understand the Unity animation system :/

Anybody got any advice for setting up the splash screen for Unity?

I'm using the free version so I can't do it through that, I have actually got a splash screen in but in the web player at least it's really blurry.

I think I'm done except for text cues and making things look nicer, oh and sound.

Animations are going to stay as they are, I truly do not understand the Unity animation system :/

You can make a scene (the first load scene) the splash screen. This is how we are doing it and then setup a transition after x seconds or when the user clicks.


For splash screen, I'm doing the following (I'm using Unity 5, i don't know if this is applicable in other versions):

I have a canvas (needed for the UI stuff), and some Images (Component --> UI --> Image).

The canvas scaler is set to "Scale with screen size", reference resolution I've set as 1280x720 (I don't allow window resizing, not sure if it'll work if you do), and Screen Match mode is set to "Expand".

1 image is the splash screen.

1 image is just pure black color.

Both images are set to scale to window.

I then use a script to fade the image alpha to make the fade to/from black things look nice.

Hope that helps :)

Hello to all my stalkers.

Heres the link to the game. I am finished with the game for the game jam. Sorry if it sucks, but I also started high school this week smile.png.

EDIT: I might be able to work on the game tommorow :)

Journal entry for day 6 -- part 1:


Hello to all my stalkers.

Day 6

Journal entry:

I was thinking that the game should be ready on day 6, but not yet, I managed to implement: the background music, sound effects, the score system, death counter and some part of the final boss battle. I had a little fun and I put also my voice in the game:


I want to go more on the idea that the rewards received from Death alter the difficulty levels, so in the final version it should work like this:
– easy difficulty reward: the user receives 2 extra lives and many checkpoints
– medium difficulty reward: the user receives extra weapon stamina and some checkpoints
– hard difficulty reward: weapon stamina is halved, no checkpoints and a timer appears on screen which needs to be refilled by killing enemies
I would try also to reconfigure a little the level, I feel that the encounter with Death is very early on, maybe I should move it a little more far away.
I need to finish all gameplay elements as soon as possible so I have also time for polishing ... *tick* *tack*...
The build is a littler large ~60Mb because of the wave sound bank, I need to find a solution to shrink it unsure.png ...

Need some help with the testing, anybody want to check out the game so far download here:

Need some help with the testing, anybody want to check out the game so far download here:

The game starts correctly, I have only a little problem with the cursor: I have 2 monitors, when I move the mouse the cursor moves to the other screen and when I click the game window loses focus, also if is in full screen mode, do you think is possible maybe to lock the cursor inside the game window ? day 6 day 5 day 4 day 3 day 2 day 1

Need some help with the testing, anybody want to check out the game so far download here:

The game starts correctly, I have only a little problem with the cursor: I have 2 monitors, when I move the mouse the cursor moves to the other screen and when I click the game window loses focus, also if is in full screen mode, do you think is possible maybe to lock the cursor inside the game window ?

good point, ill have the coders get on this right away!

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