
Why The 'Flag Mania' ?

Started by June 27, 2015 11:57 PM
114 comments, last by jpetrie 9 years, 2 months ago

Note: I'm not from the south, I don't live in the south, I don't approve of slavery, etc... etc...

Absolutely. The Confederacy was founded upon the southern states' "right" to continue the use of slavery.

Somewhat, but that's a bit of an oversimplification. While slavery was a major part of it, State vs Federal control was a major part and outlawing of slavery was more of a final straw for the South.


1857 legal case "Dred Scott v. Sandford" , in a 7-2 decision the US Supreme Court ruled that

that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, could not be American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court and that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories acquired after the creation of the United States


I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

2 different folks mentioned the confederate flag being flown over a government building in the South Carolina.

There - is - one - issue. Lack of information.

The flag is flown next to a memorial to the fallen South Carolina soldiers - not on any government buildings.

Without using trick photography, here is what it actually looks like in real life


I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Does the flag 'screaming racism to most people' not smack of bigotry in and of itself?

"You fly that flag, therefore you're clearly a racist! And I don't care that maybe members of your family fought and or even died defending freedom and right to self governance, nor will I care about why you actually fly that flag because it is easier for everyone to just assume you fit into some predefined narrow view point... And I'm just going to stand here with the Union flag, which clearly represents true freedom and justice, and we'll all just calmly ignore all the genocide one version or another of the union flag flew over..."

Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.

There's a lot more to it than initially meets the eye. No one is suddenly offended by the confederate flag, any more than they were suddenly offended by the other 4500 'politically correct' cultural communism things that suddenly became highly offensive.

There are also attacks on the UNION flag as well, which should tell you something. UC Irvine student union took it down because they felt it was unwelcoming to students. The very idea of nations and borders is under heavy attack by globalists and the leftist thugs they fund to push out their twisted messages. If you want to keep your country from being flooded by 6 billion refugees from the overcrowded parts of the world you are a racist.

As for it being about slavery, the flag definitely is nothing to do with it. How much that was responsible for the war is unclear but there's a lot of facts most people are ignorant of (especially if they come from other countries). For one, the north offered a guarantee to NEVER end slavery if the south would not secede. The north also had several slave states fighting on its side. Lincoln also strongly advocated returning all blacks to africa.

I think it worked out fine to have a black minority in America and the world did not end. I don't approve of what this is about, though, which is suicide for the natives to embrace. That's demolishing all national identity completely, disarming population and flooding it with ever increasing numbers of immigrants. Obviously that is not something sustainable in the long run. Countries that overbreed need to stop breeding so much. While western countries need to close their borders and improve their economies again so that the natives can raise children in the lifestyle they had as kids, which is completely impossible today for 99% of the population.

If you disagree though you are 'racist'. You were 'racist' for opposing NAFTA for God's sake. No offense to mexicans or chinese or indians they are fine people. But they could (and largely already have) completely flood the country and drive the quality of life here into the toilet by lowering wages and driving up prices.

This is my thread. There are many threads like it, but this one is mine.

And that's my biggest issue with the confederate flag: when the state governments fly them on government ground. While they may or may not be making a cultural statement, it can easily be perceived as, and probably often is, a racial statement as well. It practically gives government approval of racism - a smile and a wink at racism.

Not that I know much if anything about the particular situation, but in general this seems like "letting the racists win" to me. Some people are racists, and by using that flag they try to give their cause an enormous amount of undeserved weight, by assigning a symbol of half a nation and the memory and legacy of an entire army of soldiers who only fought for their lives and homes to their cause specifically. If a terrorist flies a plane into a building wearing the flag of the UN, should the UN flag be banned?

It feels like some really unstable people have watched too many Youtube videos of Hitler and are really angry at the thought of them not being part of some magically chosen race, so they choose a symbol with some power associated with it to try and force their misconceptions on people as reality. Of course they would never have gotten the idea if people hadn't been offended by it in the first place, and their actions make people more offended just as they intend, creating an evil spiral that increases hate.

I'm pretty sure any good person who flows that flag, be it a historian, a politician or a descendent of a soldier who fought under it, also condemns any crimes committed in its name.

And that's my biggest issue with the confederate flag: when the state governments fly them on government ground. While they may or may not be making a cultural statement, it can easily be perceived as, and probably often is, a racial statement as well. It practically gives government approval of racism - a smile and a wink at racism.

Not that I know much if anything about the particular situation, but in general this seems like "letting the racists win" to me. Some people are racists, and by using that flag they try to give their cause an enormous amount of undeserved weight, by assigning a symbol of half a nation and the memory and legacy of an entire army of soldiers who only fought for their lives and homes to their cause specifically. If a terrorist flies a plane into a building wearing the flag of the UN, should the UN flag be banned?

It feels like some really unstable people have watched too many Youtube videos of Hitler and are really angry at the thought of them not being part of some magically chosen race, so they choose a symbol with some power associated with it to try and force their misconceptions on people as reality. Of course they would never have gotten the idea if people hadn't been offended by it in the first place, and their actions make people more offended just as they intend, creating an evil spiral that increases hate.

I'm pretty sure any good person who flows that flag, be it a historian, a politician or a descendent of a soldier who fought under it, also condemns any crimes committed in its name.

It's a southern flag. You are claiming that by existing as a group they are racist. That is the implication the media today is trying hard to push.

It's not really about race at all, it's about controlling the populance so they don't object to what their corporate masters have done to their country.

This is my thread. There are many threads like it, but this one is mine.


It's a southern flag. You are claiming that by existing as a group they are racist.

Actually, he's arguing the exact opposite.

And that's my biggest issue with the confederate flag: when the state governments fly them on government ground. While they may or may not be making a cultural statement, it can easily be perceived as, and probably often is, a racial statement as well. It practically gives government approval of racism - a smile and a wink at racism.

Not that I know much if anything about the particular situation, but in general this seems like "letting the racists win" to me. Some people are racists, and by using that flag they try to give their cause an enormous amount of undeserved weight, by assigning a symbol of half a nation and the memory and legacy of an entire army of soldiers who only fought for their lives and homes to their cause specifically. If a terrorist flies a plane into a building wearing the flag of the UN, should the UN flag be banned?
I'm pretty sure any good person who flows that flag, be it a historian, a politician or a descendent of a soldier who fought under it, also condemns any crimes committed in its name.

Absolutely - I'm in agreement with that. I'm fine with people having a confederate flag on their property as private citizens. I just don't think the government should be flying it, considering the extra baggage it carries.

2 different folks mentioned the confederate flag being flown over a government building in the South Carolina.
There - is - one - issue. Lack of information.
The flag is flown next to a memorial to the fallen South Carolina soldiers - not on any government buildings.
Without using trick photography, here is what it actually looks like in real life

Hmm, thanks for the info. I didn't know that. The media is saying it's flown on a large flagpole infront of the state capital. Which is true.

So I pulled up Google Maps and took a look at it "in-person" (yay 21st century!). The photo you posted is also shot at an angle carefully cutting out the capitol.

There's the state capitol building (with the United States flag ontop), and then on the front lawn infront of the capital, there is the flag and the memorial. (the Google Maps camera is located between the two - from the street, the flag would be directly infront of the capitol).

Here's a better shot:


The most honest shot I can take anyway - it properly shows the flag's location relative to both the memorial, and the state capitol, and shows that the memorial + flag are on the front lawn of the capitol.

@Servant of the Lord

Those are actually the best pictures on the internet ( that I have seen ) showing a good perspective of the flag, state building, and memorial.

Anyway - the issue is folks claiming the flag is being flown ON a government building, which it is not.

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Looks like I misread some. Sorry.

This is my thread. There are many threads like it, but this one is mine.

I don't care that maybe members of your family fought and or even died defending freedom and right to self governance

I find myself with an overwhelming lack of concern for those who died defending the freedom to won slaves.

I'm sure most Nazi soldiers were probably just ordinary guys too, but they don't get to fly their flag either because the Germans have the good sense and decency to be ashamed of them.

I'm just going to stand here with the Union flag, which clearly represents true freedom and justice, and we'll all just calmly ignore all the genocide one version or another of the union flag flew over

That's a valid point, and if you want to have a discussion about the horrific things done under the stars and stripes, that's fine. But just because x is bad doesn't mean that y (which is worse) gets a pass.

I don't even get why people are defending it. It has no redeeming value whatsoever. At best, it's a symbol of treason, and at worst, it's a mocking reminder to an entire ethnic group of that time people went to war so they could keep them as slaves. Consign it to the dustbin of history and move the fuck on.

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

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