Alright, I'll bite I guess. So when a woman gets constantly harassed and stalked just because she happens to be a woman in who works in tech/games, she should...what? ignore it and continue to be harassed, after all it's her fault for being, uh, female? She should be more masculine and just what? What does masculinity have to do with not giving up? Are you saying that femininity means giving up? That's some pretty macho bullshit.
Just go. Go away.
You clearly have no reason to be arguing over here. Since, your only way of responding to an argument, is to spin a strawman and attack that. You feeling good about yourself right now? Eh?
If you had payed attention, you would perhaps had seen that my responses didn't talk about stalking and other kind of harassment. I didn't even touch that subject. So, trying to wiggle my point into a irrelevant subject so that you could attack it, is just a weak move, m8.
These women have mostly *not* quit, despite facing dismissal, harassment, and intimidation so much larger than you have ever experienced that you are not even capable of imagining what it might actually be like. You and I, because we were lucky enough to be men, have about as much personal appreciation for what its like to be a scorned woman in technology as we do for what it might be like to have been born into a Bangladeshi slum. You have no idea what its like for people to be over-critical of your every failure, to dismiss or conspiratize your every success, and to devalue your every opinion, despite a lifetime of your best, most-earnest efforts. You have no idea what its like to have some misguided male badger you into taking over your work to "help" or "protect" you from what must be your own inherent, inevitable failure as not-a-man, and worse-still, to experience the expectation of offering up yourself as some kind of reward in payment, or to be the victim of intimidation, slander, violence--possibly the threat or actuality of rape--for taking a stand and saying no to their expectant gaze.
Aiive's story is not the exception to the rule, it is the 'rule'. I do encourage her to not give up -- to not negotiate with or give in to the the status quo -- but I will not minimize or normalize the discrimination she and other women face all the time. All women want, all anyone wants, is to have a fair shake and to start at the same point as everyone else.
Dude, you do not share the same thought-space as I do. Only I know what I know and if I really heat up that thought-space, I might even know, what I don't know. Do not discredit my point on the mere grounds that I am a dude. That's called sexism, you know. ;)
[background=#f7f7f7]These women have mostly *not* quit, despite facing dismissal, harassment, and intimidation so much larger than you have ever experienced that you are not even capable of imagining what it might actually be like."[/background] [background=#f7f7f7]Well, here's a query: "Why care?" "Why care, what other people think of you?" "Why care, when some emotionally immature people gargle crap to stroke their own egos?"[/background] The people who use 'femninist' pejoratively are the kind of nutjobs leading the gamergate crusade.
People who use any kind of pejorative term can spawn a internet crusade. It isn't constrained to only feminism.
Feminism as a niche movement is over (just like gaming as a niche pastime is over). We're all feminists by default now -- if you believe in equality, then you're a feminist.
How about, "No".
You or no one else have no authority to tell that feminism has the monopoly on equality. Being a feminist also means that you accept the remaining package that comes with it, whatever that is.
I prefer to be judged by the merit of my own character, not by the association of some group.
The difference between an average feminist and someone like Sarkeesian is that she studies feminist issues as an academic pursuit.
Sarkeesian is no more than a con-artist.
Even me, with my limited capacity of articulation, could come up with better "research". She just knows how to tap into the magic of "crowd manipulation".
Persevering is not a masculine trait. It's a human trait that's been shown equally by men and women throughout history. I can respect people who don't give up, but that doesn't mean that I'm against people who do. If someone looks at their options and thinks "hey, this industry seems to discriminate against me, maybe I'll become an accountant instead so I can feed my family and have a pleasant life"... well, I'm sad they lost their dream but I understand their point of view. Is there something wrong with wanting the odds to be fair? If the system makes life tougher for you than other people, maybe "not quitting" is trying to change the system to be more fair.
But, why should the odds be fair?
You either are cut out for game industry or not. This applies to any field there is.
After this sentence I'm afraid, that I should tie up a potential opening for a hyperbole.
Attributing mental skills to one or the other gender is meaningless. It may hold some vague statistical value, but in the end the disparity of mental skills in each gender is too wide to use that as a tool to weed applicants in the industry.
If some company doesn't accept you on the grounds of being a woman, take yourself somewhere else, some other game company. You can even take pleasure in the thought, that a company that does such flawed gender based weeding protocols, is just making life harder for themselves. They are artifictially creating scarcity and through that doubling the potential costs, by eliminating half of the potential candidates.
I stretched some points too far, and you're doing the same. Nobody said the women are "wailing". They're saying "stop being a d***, cut the sh**!". And what on earth is wrong with comforting someone? People have bad things happen in their lives, sometimes a little understanding is good before they go back out into the fray.
Compassion and competitiveness have their places. Bussiness has this funny little principle: "Succeeds the one with the biggest balls". It is figurative of course, but it is the truth.
By expressing compassion to a female that is a "fuck-up" in the industry, we are only dealing with the symptoms, a damage control, neccesary, but redundant alone. You must address the causes that cause her to mess up in the first place. Tilt and fertilize her "balls" so that they grow bigger.