If I may ask. ReColorMe. What did you like? What did you hate? Regards.
I liked the graphics and feel of the game, movement felt good and responsive. When I started out I was very confused about what to do, I started jumping and dying. I then noticed the 'ammo' spawning(doesn't spawn on the first run for me), but I thought it was a coin of some sort. Then I noticed that I could sometimes fire something, and then I realized it was ammo that could be used to solidify blocks. This was quite a lengthy process of figuring out the very basics of the game, I only saw afterwards that you forgot to include the readme.
I think I got up to the third helicopter level, where I couldn't figure out how to move on. The one where you have to fall down though the spikes and not go for the helicopter(I think). I liked the different mechanics of the blocks, dinosaur and helicopter, but I felt like the helicopter was a little unintuitive. Jump on a greyed out dinosaur and you fall through(good), jump on a greyed out helicopter and you die(unexpected). I sort liked and disliked not knowing what was being expected of me, having to figure out a puzzle is nice, but having to figure out the rules of the game was frustrating at times.
I hope that's the kind of feedback you were looking for, if not, feel free to shoot me down :lol:.
Thank you for the feedback. I tried to create the levels to have the player learn as they go(supposed to die on the first level) If you jump on the greyed out Dino he kills as well, like the heli. The third heli is level six I think. Just simply jump off him onto the blocks below :) I appreciate the feedback and attempt at a playthrough. I think you would have enjoyed the interaction of the puzzle pieces later on. I'll be sure to do a slight bit more hand holding early on in future games to establish the rules (time constraints this time of course) regards!