
A Game that Makes Games(Idea)

Started by November 25, 2013 08:38 PM
-1 comments, last by Tutorial Doctor 11 years, 2 months ago

Even before I knew about programming and making games (I am still new to it) I wrote down an idea for a game that makes games. I wrote down how it works in detail. This game would require absolutely no programming (heard it before). I kept it for a while and eventually deleted it because I was sure it would never happen.

Later I figured I could make it, (learned a little about programming) so I wrote it down again. I tried to implement it in Game Maker. Too weak. So threw it away again.

Then I found Unity3D (just what I needed?). Long story short... too complex and expensive.

Then I found Maratis 3D, and this is where I am right now.

Then one day my brother showed me a video of someone who had made my idea. The name of it is Project Spark. Project Spark is really good, but it cannot make any type of game, and they do have a WYSIWYG setup for the coding system they do have. Also, the best part is that you can animate your characters using the kinect sensor (very good for my animation system I thought). There is a lot to Project Spark, and it can make some good ideas. But I think it is too narrow. Could I make a basketball game with it? Perhaps? One thing Project Spark is lacking is a good character creation system. This is essential.

My game making game idea would require very top notch technology (software technology) to implement it the way I want it to be. But I have been reading all sorts of papers on new algorithms and such and even found some software that can do what my game requires. Here is a list of them:

Marvelous Designer (Clothing Making):

Eve Online (Character Creation System):

Tree Sketch Ipad app (Procedural object generation):

3-Sweep (3d models from photo):

Game Press (node based programming)

Procedural Animation: (just found this one):


When you create something like this, you have to have a lot of, and almost unlimited amount of freedom for very creative types. If they have an idea that they can't implement because of restrictions (this is why people always say you need coding) then they will overlook it as a serious tool.

Also, I want it to be simple for beginners. Simple yet powerful!

Anyone think this is possible? A serious game creation tool that plays like a game, but is as powerful as a game engine, for beginners and for pros that doesn't use code?


Okay, I have been using this app on the ipad called Game Press it is a free game engine for making 2d games. I also have the Codea app on my ipad that can make all sorts of things as well. Codea appeals to the advanced coders while game press was designed to appeal to beginners and advanced coders. And it requires NO CODING.

What it does have is a behavior system which is somewhat similar to what I called a tendency system. This behavior system is a node based system. Node based systems can be very powerful. I have seen the use of node based systems in Blender 3D and in Poser by Curious Labs and other graphics programs to create complex shaders, but never thought to apply it to programming.

Even then, the people who used the nodes versus simple texture slots were more "advanced/technical."

I think a node based programming system, at least for now, is the ideal method for creating a game engine or game that requires no programming (text programming a least). I will update this post when I find the procedural animation program I downloaded.

On The Node Based System

The cool thing about a node based programming system is that it easily portrays what we would visualize a function as (a box that takes a value and does something to it and returns it). We also could describe a variable as a container that stores information. This seems like the way that programming should be.
All of the wires of the nodes represent the flow of the program. It looks more like a circuit which is respective of the actual underlying architecture of the actual hardware.
It would be easier to understand the lower level abstractions of a program in a node based programming system.
Switch statements are a lot easier to understand this way as well.
Also, all of the graphics can be programmed this way (as is customary of node based systems). It also ties very well into my tendency system.
I honestly think that all levels of complexity in text based programming are possible in node based programming. Does anyone object? If so, post your reasons.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

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