Oh. That kind of thing really makes me sad. Okay, it's cool, and it is made by smart people and makes your life 'easier' and all, but... really, smart fridges? What the? In the future, everything will be smart and their users will be more and more stupid and lazy, it looks like. Can't you keep track of expiring dates? Can't you keep track of what you are low on? Can't you try new recipes? Can't you detect rotting fruit/vegetables? The question isn't if you can or can't, of course you can... but maybe you're too busy playing your Call of Duty, pressing Share buttons on your controller, sharing your 1440 no-scope across the map trick shot with your 'friends' to do simple things in life like this. Or to have someone to do it for you. Probably your wife and children will be doing the same or something similar, so they won't have the time.
To focus more on other things in life other than food? What, for example? Work? Games? Internet? TV? Of course, because all that are more important than your food. Many things have been more important that people's food, that's why the food today is what it is and nobody cares.
I think things like this are made for fat-lazy-no-brained-rich-morons.
I'm impressed. You know nothing about the guy, but assume he is fat, lazy, and idiotic because he developed a series of tools to handle a series of mindless idiotic tasks that handles things in an exceptionally graceful and efficient way.
We are talking about a guy who convinced the gym he has a membership with to let him install whiteboards so he can keep picking away at problems while working out.
Do you grow your own food? Or do you let someone else do that for you and just buy it from them? Are you too stupid, lazy, and rich to be bothered with growing your own food when you could instead be using that time to fling insults at people you don't know online?
He is at work and at lunch he gets it into his head that he wants to make an apple crisp when he gets home (about a 20 minute drive from town), then the system will email him before he leaves the office to let him know that he probably doesn't have enough butter or apples, or remind him that the apples he does have are a little older than he might want to use. It will also tell him if the carton of milk never made it back to the fridge and probably is wise to replace it.
As opposed to getting home, spending a few minutes to dig out the recipe book and find which one you want, then a few more minutes to sort through all your stuff only to discover something is missing. And when something is missing then it means the better part of an hour to go through and decide what else he wants at the store, drive the 20 minutes there, shop, and drive the 20 minutes back. So yeah, clearly he is a super lazy guy for wanting to be able to spend an extra hour or so with his family at home...
It will also suggest meal plans to use up older food, thereby avoiding waste and lowering what the family spends on food every year. He also has the system tied into the hydroponics system and nutritional software. His family eats healthier food of better quality than the majority of middle class North Americans, and are doing it for less money (Barring his expenses into building the prototype.)
And frankly, it is a great system. By using a touch screen in his kitchen you can quickly tap the answers to a handful of multiple choice questions and it comes up with a great suggestion of what to get for a snack or a meal. Food doesn't get boring for his family, they are consistently trying new things, and spend more of their time and effort on other far more interesting things.