Hey guys, here's a track I wrote for Reactive Studios' (Boston) upcoming interactive radio drama release!
Here's a link to their kickstarter:
Hey guys, here's a track I wrote for Reactive Studios' (Boston) upcoming interactive radio drama release!
Here's a link to their kickstarter:
I remember hearing this on your soundcloud profile! Love me some big band with twangy guitar. You'll have a blast with this soundtrack I'm sure!
Keep us updated on new releases! It's nice to hear something that isn't electronic or epic.
My Soundcloud:
"The moment you cheat for the sake of beauty, you know you are an artist." Max Jacob
Thanks! The Kickstarter ends in 23 days. Please share and support!
(One of the stretch goals involves live musicians! but keep it under your hat)
Really nicely done!
Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX