On 2017. 07. 31. at 0:56 AM, NikiTo said:" rel="external nofollow">I started with AS3 all by myself and as late as at the age of 24, because until that moment everybody was trying to scare me about programming saying that: "To program you have to be a master in mathematics!! It is only for selected geniuses!"(I tried to code one day and all they said to me resulted to be a lie). Then after a month or so, I switched to assembler and there I learned to program for real, all alone again. Then I started to study Java in a university but they kicked me out for reasons not related to my codding skills. After that I started to study in another university this time C# and they kicked me again, no matter I was one of the best students. In those two short periods of studying in universities, they introduced me to HLL. I was shown by teachers about OOP and Unit Testing. Nobody of our teachers was interested in 3D programming and nobody was able to show me how to do it, so I started to learn WebGl and shaders all by myself and it was very challenging to switch to the shaders-way of thinking. It took me one whole week only to realize how interpolation from vertices to pixels is happening without a teacher. But after 6 months, of studying on my own i was able to make this:
I had to figure out all by myself how shadow mapping and deferred rendering work. It was cool to be the only one in my second school(including the teachers) to be able to do that (they could learn how to do it too if they had interest into it, maybe)
Now I am studying directx12 all by myself again.
My life story is very sad in my own opinion, because without the degree, nobody wants to hire me for nothing. I understand that I need to pass through a specialization process in the company, but even when searching for junior positions, nobody calls never. And my CV is empty-forever-alone... I wish I'd have started to study medicine at the age of 24 instead programming. I would be now working in a clean office looking dirty gangrenas, not codding Pipeline State Objects in the basement of my mother's house (but this is my own experience in life. other ppl may have different happier life stories)
I also don't have a degree but I easily managed to find a graphics programming job in gamedev. You only need to have a nice portfolio with some neat graphics samples. In my opinion, graphics programmers are rare and hard to find so you have the upper hand there. So keep it up and good luck!