I am fully self-taught for everything i know about programming.
I basically started somewhere around in the ~90 playing around with the C64 and BASIC and switched later to QBASIC on DOS 5.x.
In 1996 i got my hands on borland delphi 2, then upgraded to borland delphi 5 and used this for over a decade.
This was the time where i fully started to learn object oriented programming and low level stuff.
After my mother died 1998 i wanted to challange myself more - so i got into opengl graphics and multimedia programming due to access to online tutorials + samples and books. Even though i had no math knowledge whatsoever i magically created one 3D tech demos after another - insipred by people and games, but without no seriousness in making games.
2003 i successfully finished a 3 years long programming eduction school, with the focus on planning and business shit.
While working professionally all day, i still coded in evenings or on holidays.
Eventually i got into full media programming but with extreme directshow and GDI rendering shit and created one giant project called "Xenorate Media Player". After more then 10 years of actively working on that project, i stopped it around 2011 ~ one year after my daugther was born.
To kill time while my daugther was sleeping a lot, i taught myself math, linear algebra and physics programming and created simulations all over the place. Around 2014 handmade hero was coming out and this started me to getting really interested in game and graphics programming.
Knowing how everything works and creating a full fletched game by myself without relying on others is a dream i have since the very beginning.
A few handful of screens: