
iOS taking the mesh

Started by June 03, 2011 06:28 PM
0 comments, last by Glidos 13 years, 3 months ago

I have been learning iOS development for OpenGLES in conjunction with the oolong engine, but that is not important.

I have been looking at .POD format (which I cannot find the licensing for) using Blender I have been animating a skinned mesh and unfortunately I have discovered that short of Morph targets .POD format is completely unable to handle bone/skin animation of any kind. So without spending 2k on a Unity license can anyone suggest a mesh format sdk for the iOS that handles skinned animation? Short of that I need a means of converting skinned animation to per vertex animation in Blender, then praying that scales relatively ok with 10+ 900vertex bodies on screen.

Has anyone hit any similar issues and come to a solution?

Sorry, I have no solution, but I wonder if you have yet, because I have exactly the same issue.

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