
reason i love my wife

Started by February 27, 2011 06:09 AM
79 comments, last by klems 13 years, 6 months ago
I'm yet to meet a woman who likes playing games, let alone use Ubuntu and get to adore her for it!
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Wow. You know I am not one to start threads this long. But several of you have posted some valid things. Some funny things, and some rude things.

Funny: I found copying my post and putting different references to it was funny. But I am calling my plagurism card on that. I want 5 buck. (Joke)

Rude: yes mike, saying my wife and I are dumb because we are using ubuntu and she should leave me was a bit rude. But I do appreciate that you said it was just a joke in the end. I am sure you reallu don't want people to break up a happy marriage with children right? I had some time to cool off from that and I had to realize that forums come with trolls. Its been a while since I participated regularly on a forum.

Valid points: yes, I could have adjusted windows settings or reinstalled it without the fluff. I also did buy a $400 walmart computer. Yes, my wife did want windows back when I first installed ubuntu. But after a few years, she realized that ubuntu was pretty easy to use. Yes, I does have some issues, but so does windows. She liked ubuntu because the stuff she uses most is already on a clean install. I like ubuntu because it quick to load, has an interface that's pleasent to me, and I can keep going on. I know that windows has better compatability for a lot of applications out there. but I do like how ubuntu is setup. For others, I am sure it is crap. For me and my wife, its good.

And with wine...almost never use it. I only mentioned it because telltail games came out with a back to the future adventure I wanted to try out. I can get it to run with wine and winetricks+directx. (Which was surprisingly easy to install)

I don't play a lot of newer games. Almost don't have much time to play games at all. I am a bigger fan of older games. Warcraft 1/2, eye of the beholder. For those, I use dos box. I don't need a super computer, just something that works and allows me to get my programming fix in.

Well, thanks for listening to my "like ubuntu" again. I was actually hoping to hear about why other guys or gals love their spouse. But oh well, maybe it is true, programmers don't have spouses. (Joke)

I was actually hoping to hear about why other guys or gals love their spouse.

See, that's not how it came across.

It came across as 'we got a new computer with windows on it, we tried it, it was crap, we went back to what we knew, how can you put up with something this bad due to <list of reasons>? I'm so glad my wife is like me'.

Aka yet another linux user banging on about how great it is yawn yawn yawn...

If you had mentioned that key bit there I quoted this thread might have gone in a different direction... or Mike might have trolled you for the lulz anyway, who knows...
Yeah, my bad. It was late at night when i wrote it and i was on my phone. I also didn't know the political storm between windows and linux around here. Now I know to tread lightly when saying I like Linux.

Now I feel like one of those guys on the game design thread saying I have an awesome game will somebody make it for me. :P

I'm no Ruby user myself, but I've heard Ruby people complaining not only that different implementations have different semantics, but also that different _actively developed_ versions of the reference implementation differ in their semantics, that doesn't sound very stable to me.

I've personally bitched and complained that different actively developed compilers for the same 10+ year old C++ standard regularly differ in their semantics on a multitude of issues -- to say nothing of compiler extensions, which vary even more wildly.

This isn't to say Ruby (or even C++ for that matter) is a paragon of stability. In C++'s case, fortunately, the issues mostly relegate themselves to avoidable corner cases and features -- at least at this point. (In the past, we can think back to the VS6 era where compilers disagreed on basic language syntax like the owning scope of a for list initializer.)

This is to say that limited anecdotes are of limited use to judge the stability of entire languages by, regardless of how very valid they are as bitching points and issues that would do well to be corrected. While my experience with both ruby and python is limited, I am under the impression that python has been much more aggressive in improving the language and the core API. They have an entire statement dedicated to making it easier to wrangle such ongoing, rapid changes: future statements.

Luckily for me, Counter strike is not one of the applications I want to run, and if I wanted to I'd just use my Windows machine. Wine can be really hit and miss, and what works on one setup might not on another. When it does work though, I find it works pretty well.[/quote]
Luckily for me, I no longer wish to run it either, because I've been able to run it for the past 10 years on windows. That, and good servers for it have become fewer and farther between.

See, that's not how it came across.

It was in the thread title. I'm kinda surprised what happened to this thread. :mellow:

I'm yet to meet a woman who likes playing games, let alone use Ubuntu and get to adore her for it!

They are out there, I can vouch for this. Keep looking!

[OpenTK: C# OpenGL 4.4, OpenGL ES 3.0 and OpenAL 1.1. Now with Linux/KMS support!]

[quote name='Tachikoma' timestamp='1298852570' post='4779904']
I'm yet to meet a woman who likes playing games, let alone use Ubuntu and get to adore her for it!

They are out there, I can vouch for this. Keep looking!

finding one that smells normal... That's the real trick...


[quote name='Fiddler' timestamp='1298902457' post='4780086']
[quote name='Tachikoma' timestamp='1298852570' post='4779904']
I'm yet to meet a woman who likes playing games, let alone use Ubuntu and get to adore her for it!

They are out there, I can vouch for this. Keep looking!

finding one that smells normal... That's the real trick...


Never ever met a good-looking, good-smelling geeky girl? You don't know what you are missing...

[OpenTK: C# OpenGL 4.4, OpenGL ES 3.0 and OpenAL 1.1. Now with Linux/KMS support!]

Never ever met a good-looking, good-smelling geeky girl? You don't know what you are missing...

Thanks for rubbing it on our face! :P

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