
reason i love my wife

Started by February 27, 2011 06:09 AM
79 comments, last by klems 13 years, 6 months ago
I feel the time of OS's is waning, I see a new laptop from sony has an 'internet button' i.e. instead of booting up win7 u just press the button + u can surf the net in a quarter of the time.
Perhaps not the ppl on this site, but to the majority of PC users, the PC == the web

I feel the time of OS's is waning, I see a new laptop from sony has an 'internet button' i.e. instead of booting up win7 u just press the button + u can surf the net in a quarter of the time.
Perhaps not the ppl on this site, but to the majority of PC users, the PC == the web

There will always be OS's. They'll obviously change, and they are right now, but they will always be there. To my understanding, the "web button" just boots a really light weight linux partition that exclusively runs internet browsers, so even that is running an OS.

I feel the time of OS's is waning, I see a new laptop from sony has an 'internet button' i.e. instead of booting up win7 u just press the button + u can surf the net in a quarter of the time.
Perhaps not the ppl on this site, but to the majority of PC users, the PC == the web

I see the same thing! you can access the web from anywhere now and with all the web programs, you can pretty much do anything on the web now.
Games: Flash games, java games, html5 games.
Productivity: Google Docs
IT management: Remote desktop through flash, java, ajax, or html5
and a bunch more without needing to download client side programs.

And things that can get online with are increasing. Mobile Phones, Netbooks, Game Consoles, Laptops, Desktops, Tablets, Book Readers, TV's, Watches. Pretty soon anything with a LCD screen will have wifi or 3g connectivity :P

There will always be OS's. They'll obviously change, and they are right now, but they will always be there. To my understanding, the "web button" just boots a really light weight linux partition that exclusively runs internet browsers, so even that is running an OS.
Oh sure even your mobile phone from 10 years ago had an OS, but by OS I mean in the sense that we traditional/commonsensily? view them on the PC

Pretty soon anything with a LCD screen will have wifi or 3g connectivity[/quote]In 10 years time (perhaps even now) for some ppl the fridge/lights/oven etc will be connected to the net.
No more did I forget to turn off .... :)

[quote name='way2lazy2care' timestamp='1298923460' post='4780212']
There will always be OS's. They'll obviously change, and they are right now, but they will always be there. To my understanding, the "web button" just boots a really light weight linux partition that exclusively runs internet browsers, so even that is running an OS.
Oh sure even your mobile phone from 10 years ago had an OS, but by OS I mean in the sense that we traditional/commonsensily? view them on the PC

Pretty soon anything with a LCD screen will have wifi or 3g connectivity[/quote]In 10 years time (perhaps even now) for some ppl the fridge/lights/oven etc will be connected to the net.
No more did I forget to turn off .... :)

I can see it now.

Manage your home appliances on your android or ios device! See their power consumption and monthly power charges. Easily turn them on or off at a push of a button! did this thread survive? And get so far off topic...

"People who only know one world get really smarmy, and every time they hear about the complications in the other world, it makes them think that their world doesn't have complications. But they do. You've just moved beyond them because you are proficient in them. These worlds are just too big and complicated to compare any more. Lord Palmerston: "The Schleswig-Holstein question is so complicated, only three men in Europe have ever understood it. One was Prince Albert, who is dead. The second was a German professor who became mad. I am the third and I have forgotten all about it." The software worlds are so huge and complicated and multifaceted that when I see otherwise intelligent people writing blog entries saying something vacuous like "Microsoft is bad at operating systems," frankly, they just look dumb. Imagine trying to summarize millions of lines of code with hundreds of major feature areas created by thousands of programmers over a decade or two, where no one person can begin to understand even a large portion of it. I'm not even defending Microsoft, I'm just saying that big handwavy generalizations made from a position of deep ignorance is one of the biggest wastes of time on the net today."

But they make for awesome flamewars ;)

Fruny: Ftagn! Ia! Ia! std::time_put_byname! Mglui naflftagn std::codecvt eY'ha-nthlei!,char,mbstate_t>

[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]

Wow, when i woke up this morning i only expected like one or two posts. Maybe something like: I like windows, or i like ubuntu too. Not someone who says that my wife and i are dumb-asses and my wife is going to dumb my ass for some stupid reason.

So SORRY for liking my wife's preference of operating systems. And SORRY you can't accept other's people choices even if they are in this 90% over generalized range you speak of.
I think it's feeling the need to tell us your wife likes Ubuntu which is the problem. Why could you possibly even begin to think that anyone here would have the slightest interest? Because a girl likes Linux?


[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2][quote name='Enders' timestamp='1298822451' post='4779685']
Wow, when i woke up this morning i only expected like one or two posts. Maybe something like: I like windows, or i like ubuntu too. Not someone who says that my wife and i are dumb-asses and my wife is going to dumb my ass for some stupid reason.

So SORRY for liking my wife's preference of operating systems. And SORRY you can't accept other's people choices even if they are in this 90% over generalized range you speak of.
I think it's feeling the need to tell us your wife likes Ubuntu which is the problem. Why could you possibly even begin to think that anyone here would have the slightest interest? Because a girl likes Linux?

[/quote]I don't think very many people are all that interested in owl's dead pixel or the two self introduction threads currently on the first page either, yet I don't see those getting flamed into oblivion.

The problem is not that people don't care, but that people DO care. A lot. The slightest mention of Linux on GDNet tends to turn usually intelligent and helpful people into rabid OS fanboys. (Which is curious, since the usual state of affairs is that Linux people make up the majority of the rabid fanboys.)
To indulge the OP:
A good friend of mine started using Linux many years ago after having seen me tinker. He currently lives with his fiancee who plays the organ in a church and pretty much organizes any music (the choir, inviting "classical bands" some nights etc). They have at least 5 PCs or so (a media server, media player, one or two office computers and a laptop, he's a collector), all running Ubuntu (I think he is trying Arch on the laptop atm) during the day with the power horses dual booting to Windows for hefty games. Even though his fiancee is not a computer monster (she does what "normal people do" on computers), she really likes Ubuntu and have no issues or complaints about it. My good friend takes care of tech related issues anyway, and afaik that's a rather lazy "job". Wouldn't dare say this is the reason they love each other, but they both use Linux and they live a happy life together.

For the nervy people: She is really pretty too... And does not smell funny!

Aah, online communities, the metal grater back rub.

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