
reason i love my wife

Started by February 27, 2011 06:09 AM
79 comments, last by klems 13 years, 6 months ago

[quote name='AndrewBC' timestamp='1298838592' post='4779812']
Just because you're outraged on his behalf doesn't mean suddenly no one will or can't say something bad about it, or about you, or about someone's reply to you (like mine). The only tactic this particular subset of society has now to express aligned social interest or disinterest is either "omg you shutup" comments, or mods coming in and censoring people. Downvoting no longer available makes this obviously ridiculous, and thus I ridicule. Hah. Hah hah.

I'm not outraged at all. I was just calmly raising an objection to a post I felt was unfair. I'm confused as to how you would consider my comment to be of the "omg you shutup" variety since I think I actually made my point more clearly than that.

You seem to have stepped in on Mike's behalf. I should make it clear that I have an enormous amount of respect for Mike both as a professional and a person and would far rather be debating this issue with him rather than you. I suspect that the debate would be far less reactionary.
I did not intend for you to read into my "omg you shutup" line as if I were saying that your posts were of that style. That was just an example to point out that there is either conversational discourse as a recourse, or the other example I mentioned. Outraged is another bit of colorful overemphasis added, you clearly care to some degree or we wouldn't be talking.

I also think that you thought I was saying stepping in on someone's behalf in a derogatory sense. I wasn't, but nice try on making me eat my own actions. :)

[quote name='AndrewBC' timestamp='1298838592' post='4779812']
And no, I'm not married. Feel free to make snarky comments about that. :)

Snarky comments aren't really my style. I was just wondering whether you understood what it would feel like.

I've had much worse said about me for choices I didn't make that also had no possibility to be true. So fucking what?

[quote name='AndrewBC' timestamp='1298835631' post='4779782']
With regard to the people calling MikeP's post harsh:
Boy it must suck to live in a world where honest commentary that was implicitly asked for was delivered. Does it make you sad to know that people probably hate you for no reason, and some probably hate you for a reason, and some of those people and reasons might actually be valid? Welcome to the internet.

Oh come on. "Maybe she wouldn't bother sticking around" was an "honest commentary"? Whatever. That's trolling of the highest degree. All because he made a like-Ubunty thread?

The funny thing about people like MikeP is that they genuinely think they're intelligent. Sucks to be them in a decade or so, when they realize they're actually not.
Oh you think he's being disingenuous? I disagree, sir, I am fairly certain MikeP actually did think up his conjecture all on his own.

[quote name='MaulingMonkey' timestamp='1298788719' post='4779554']
Funny you should mention python
Disregarding the irony of a developer depending on Python 2.x complaining about distros are shipping old versions, why not simply put Python 2.6 as a dependency and explicitly specify #!/usr/bin/python2.6 rather than #!/usr/bin/python as the first line of any executable script?[/quote]
Oh, sure, you can hand pick a specific dependency revision and add the ability to compile it into your toolchain -- maybe even check it into your main repository for outright OCD levels of control.

That this kind of thing is necessary, however, defeats much of the purpose of having a central repository in the first place I'd argue, however, and certainly any convenience advantages of repositories over "downloading from websites". Don't get me wrong, the idea is great -- it's just that depending on a horde of (unpaid?) volunteers to keep all the relevant packages up to date and working cleanly, including for the "less common use cases" (such as multiple versions side by side), can add... significant delays and more.

(Also, complaining about incompatible "broken" Python versions when your application is written in Ruby, a language with no official specification, seems... odd.)[/quote]
Not too odd when you think about it. Python's been a bit more willing to aggressively improve (and in doing so, break backwards comparability) in their language. Just because Ruby lacks a spec doesn't mean it's less stable -- which is the main compounding factor for these matters, making version picking more important.

In fact, there is such a guarantee. I don't know how they do it in RPM land

Presumably using mechanisms such as "alternatives" as mentioned in the article, which according to TFA horribly breaks itself when upgrading python on a number of systems?

Don't get me wrong, Linux is a pretty cool guy, eh powers servers and doesn't afraid of anything -- and I guess the OP might be able to better lock it down so his wife can't install the latest round of facebook trojans since it "doesn't have viruses" (heh). And I guess it works as one method to [s]install[/s] uninstall OEM crap (conveniently ignoring that installing windows properly does this too).

Even some of the linux users can be insightful. Unfortunately, this thread doesn't seem to be -- you're seriously trying to argue for linux on backwards compatibility grounds? Try fiddling with window's comparability options next time. Meanwhile, WineHQ calls this atrocious counter strike comparability "platinum". When it crashes and makes entire program features unusable, that's "silver". Hilarious.
See, I told you. Linux makes for crankiness!

[quote name='mikeman' timestamp='1298839150' post='4779819']
The funny thing about people like MikeP is that they genuinely think they're intelligent. Sucks to be them in a decade or so, when they realize they're actually not.

Yeah, I somewhat doubt that's going to be the case...

You're right I guess. Some people like to delude themselves. Oh well...

You're right I guess. Some people like to delude themselves. Oh well...

oh dear god I'm drowing in the irony!


lol, yeah I man, I totally didn't see that coming! Nicely done :P

See what I mean about thinking you're intelligent?

Interesting. I vouch the opinion to a respected member of this site that something he posted was, in my humble opinion, "a bit harsh" and a bunch of lounge lizards who, from their posting history, don't actually seem to be doing anything productive, wade in on the behalf of someone who really doesn't require their input and help the topic descend into purile nonsense.

Do you not have anything better to do? Like actually doing some programming or something? Man, the fricking lounge.
You can tell how productive someone is via their posting history? wut? o.O
This thread was purile nonsense from the very beginning.

And no, it's the weekend, I'm sitting here in a house with no furniture at all, barely working internet over a tethered cellphone, and no comfortable position in which to focus long enough to code, no tech/hobby related meetups this weekend, and no friends free to go do something with. I quite literally have nothing better to do. Do you have something else to entertain you up on that vaporous high horse?

You can tell how productive someone is via their posting history? wut? o.O

Well, call me old fashioned for caring about GDNet but posting history used to be a good indication of actual contribution to GDNet rather that lizard-level rambling. Clearly I'm out of date.

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