
reason i love my wife

Started by February 27, 2011 06:09 AM
79 comments, last by klems 13 years, 6 months ago

[quote name='Enders' timestamp='1298822451' post='4779685']
Wow, when i woke up this morning i only expected like one or two posts. Maybe something like: I like windows, or i like ubuntu too. Not someone who says that my wife and i are dumb-asses and my wife is going to dumb my ass for some stupid reason.

So SORRY for liking my wife's preference of operating systems. And SORRY you can't accept other's people choices even if they are in this 90% over generalized range you speak of.

I would think you were half intelligent if you did a dual install and played your games on windows but if you honestly think using wine makes more sense than windows for video games then I'm going to have to jump on the bandwagon and tell you that your logic fails hard...

Ahh give him a break. He's obviously not a technical person...buying a gaming computer from walmart and all. =D
They hated on Jeezus, so you think I give a f***?!
When I got my first Mac I wasn't to crazy about OSX but now I'd rather use a Mac then Windows. I guess that must mean Win7 sucks donkey balls.

So you want to stick with what is familiar and think what is different sucks, how is that different from most people? How many times did your wife say Linux sucked and she wanted to go back to Windows when you first make the change? Considering how much hand holding that WIndows does for the average user I'm going to say more then once.

My dad still has XP, after using Win7 for a year, that does suck donkey balls. You couldn't pay me money to switch back to XP.

[quote name='SteveDeFacto' timestamp='1298824010' post='4779691']
[quote name='Enders' timestamp='1298822451' post='4779685']
Wow, when i woke up this morning i only expected like one or two posts. Maybe something like: I like windows, or i like ubuntu too. Not someone who says that my wife and i are dumb-asses and my wife is going to dumb my ass for some stupid reason.

So SORRY for liking my wife's preference of operating systems. And SORRY you can't accept other's people choices even if they are in this 90% over generalized range you speak of.

I would think you were half intelligent if you did a dual install and played your games on windows but if you honestly think using wine makes more sense than windows for video games then I'm going to have to jump on the bandwagon and tell you that your logic fails hard...

Ahh give him a break. He's obviously not a technical person...buying a gaming computer from walmart and all. =D

Give yourself a break. You're obviously out of the loop. Who even said he was buying a gaming computer? His wife has been playing restau rant and he's running dos games with wine. :D

[quote name =jtagge75 timestamp='1298829842']
When I got my first Mac I wasn't to crazy about OSX but now I'd rather use a Mac then Windows. I guess that must mean Win7 sucks donkey balls.

So you want to stick with what is familiar and think what is different sucks, how is that different from most people? How many times did your wife say Linux sucked and she wanted to go back to Windows when you first make the change? Considering how much hand holding that WIndows does for the average user I'm going to say more then once.

My dad still has XP, after using Win7 for a year, that does suck donkey balls. You couldn't pay me money to switch back to XP.

Use a Mac?

That's priceless!

Because Macs suck donkey balls!
It is I, the spectaculous Don Karnage! My bloodthirsty horde is on an intercept course with you. We will be shooting you and looting you in precisely... Ten minutes. Felicitations!

[quote name='MaulingMonkey' timestamp='1298788719' post='4779554']
Funny you should mention python
Disregarding the irony of a developer depending on Python 2.x complaining about distros are shipping old versions, why not simply put Python 2.6 as a dependency and explicitly specify #!/usr/bin/python2.6 rather than #!/usr/bin/python as the first line of any executable script?

(Also, complaining about incompatible "broken" Python versions when your application is written in Ruby, a language with no official specification, seems... odd.)

Actually, most python devs who have 3rd party dependencies are stuck with 2.7 for the near future. Only recently has it been a good time for the big frameworks and other modules that many people use to port to 3.x because the moratorium on new features in 3.x branch resulting in a stable API to target, as well as bugfix only for 2.7. So it really isn't unusual.

Furthermore, specifying a specific python version in the shebang is really quite crude, especially since he supports multiple python versions. There's no way to exclude particular versions in the shebang. There's no guarantee people have that version, so you're artificially limiting the usefulness of your code, which is just plain retarded.

And even further, you're doing it wrong. You're not guaranteed to find a python executable at /usr/bin/ so we've been forced to use #!/usr/bin/env python for a while now, because *nix is a clusterfuck with regard to where things might actually be.

He could easily however, do something like this:

import sys
if sys.version_info.major == 2 and sys.version_info.minor < 6:
print "Oh noes!"
[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]So the wife and I got a new computer last weekend. It has been 5 years since we got a new one, so the specs seemed off the charts compared to the one we had. We had windows installed on the old one before the hardware died.

So we bring this computer home. I boot it up, its got ubuntu. I am thinking to myself, she used ubuntu before and liked it. Always said she needed ubuntu to print out coupons or whatever.

She played resturant city for a few days and commented on how much the game plays. I never really got a go on the ubuntu as I didn't want to go through with tracking down and installing drivers and all the other third party plugins and stuff.

Then one day. Danny (my wife) says to me.

"Ahh I hate ubuntu. I have to do too much crap just to do something. Install windows."

She was right too. I also hated gnome, with it being so ugly. The way I have to compile the kernel just to get my wifi to work. The confusing command line utils that takes forever to find documentation for. Oh and let's not forget all of the unnecessary bloat that come with the default ubuntu installation. I was missing the simple, it just works, windows.

And now that win 7 is up and running. My wife feels at home. And it is running way better then our last computer. I am in heaven ^_^

Now to play "back to the future" without having to run directx and wine.[/font]
Don't thank me, thank the moon's gravitation pull! Post in My Journal and help me to not procrastinate!
So the wife and I got a new cardboard box last weekend. It has been 5 years since we got a new one, so the specs seemed off the charts compared to the one we had. We had a cat in the old one before the cat died.

So we bring this box home. I open it up, its got a computer in it. I am thinking to myself, she used a computer before and liked it. Always said she needed a computer to print out coupons or whatever.

She played resturant city for a few days and commented on how much the game plays better than a cat. I never really got a go on the computer as I didn't want to go through with pressing buttons on the keyboard and looking at the screen and crap.

Then one day. Danny (my wife) says to me.

"Ahh I hate computers. I have to press buttons and look at the screen just to do something. Get a cat."

She was right too. I also hated computers, the way they didn't eat the food you put down for them in the kitchen, the way they were really uncomfortable on your lap, the way they wouldn't chase bits of string. I was missing the simple, they just work, cats.

And now that the cat is up and running. My wife feels at home. And it is running way better then our last computer. I am in heaven

Now to play "chase the string" without having to press buttons or get off the sofa.

PS: Mike P, I have nothing but respect for you as a community member and a developer, but that post was kind of harsh man.

Furthermore, specifying a specific python version in the shebang is really quite crude, especially since he supports multiple python versions. There's no way to exclude particular versions in the shebang.

There's no guarantee people have that version, so you're artificially limiting the usefulness of your code, which is just plain retarded.[/quote]In fact, there is such a guarantee. I don't know how they do it in RPM land, but on Debian with derivatives all you need to do if you want a particular Python version is to have your package depend on it - 2.4, 2.6 and 3.1 are all in the official repos.
Apparently Python 2.6 features were so crucial he had to get rid of Python if he couldn't have them, so I don't see what's retarded about making that dependency official.

And even further, you're doing it wrong. You're not guaranteed to find a python executable at /usr/bin/ so we've been forced to use #!/usr/bin/env python for a while now, because *nix is a clusterfuck with regard to where things might actually be.[/quote]Are there any actual distros that put Python anywhere but /usr/bin?

He could easily however, do something like this:

import sys
if sys.version_info.major == 2 and sys.version_info.minor < 6:
print "Oh noes!"

[/quote]Well, my main point wasn't "shebang line saves the day" but "state your dependencies properly and perhaps add a version check, and you've solved the problem." :)
So the wife and I got a new mexican last weekend. It has been 5 years since we got a new one, so the specs seemed off the charts compared to the one we had. We had mayonnaise in the old one before she died.

So we bring this mexican home. I boot her up, its got a penis. I am thinking to myself, she used penis before and liked it...

Err maybe I should have chose different words...unsure.gif
With regard to the people calling MikeP's post harsh:
Boy it must suck to live in a world where honest commentary that was implicitly asked for was delivered. Does it make you sad to know that people probably hate you for no reason, and some probably hate you for a reason, and some of those people and reasons might actually be valid? Welcome to the internet.
Haven't you learned anything? On the Internet, all opinions are facts.

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