
Linux Redhat10 Pemission Folder k3b

Started by January 19, 2010 02:58 PM
14 comments, last by Arianmd 14 years, 8 months ago
You might need to change ownership recursively:

as root:
chown -R username:username yourdisk/

Then you can apply permissions recursively:

as username:
chmod -R u+rw yourdisk

EDIT: It occurs to me that there might be some misunderstanding here. phresnel and I appear to be giving advice for different situations. Perhaps you could paste some terminal output or screenshots that show exactly what the problem is?
Unfortunately, I think that I have not express my question well. My problem is not about the owner of folder, the essential problem is that when I try to change it's access to read and write, after a few seconds the option returns to ---. and it has no effect on the folder (Perhaps in bash I can change that option effectively?). Let me know if you want more explanation about my problem.
Quote: Original post by phresnel
Quote: Regarding to your guide:
I changed the folder's owner to root. Now what should I do?

No, my advice was to chown Arianmd:Arianmd yourdisk, not to chown the folder, and then to mv yourdisk yourFolder/. Other advices were man man, man chown, man mv.


You really want to change the owner of that disk to the user you normally use. root is the administrator of a unix/linux system, and users of unix/linux do not normally work with admin permissions. They only elevate to root when they have to.

And yes, on many linux distributions, the easiest way to do something like that is to go to the bash, su, do something, exit or CTRL+D. This is because many distros disable root-login in the graphical login screen for security reasons.

To open the bash, fly to the Application-Menu and find something like "Bash", "Root Terminal", "Terminal" or so. If you find no "Root Terminal", choose another one. Once you are on the bash line, type su to become root.

It seems like you can need further advices:
* Linux is not Windows
* Quite vast intro to Linux
* Another one

You might find some tutorials that feed your need better on google.

Although my problem is remained yet, but "" is really a good ref.
Thanks alot
I studied the chmod command and by means of that I changed the folder permission. But now I want to now how can I use chmod for enclosed files, not only the parent file. Can you help me, please?
Quote: Original post by Arianmd
I studied the chmod command and by means of that I changed the folder permission. But now I want to now how can I use chmod for enclosed files, not only the parent file. Can you help me, please?

Type in the actual filename.

You can type chmod <options> and hit TAB to see a list of files. If not, hit TAB twice. You can then type a few letters (path and/or filename), and try tab again.
My Dear friends,
Finally I could solve my problem. Dear Phresnel and dear Lmelior, I am really thankful for your help and time. Good Luck.
Best Wishes

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