

Started by September 15, 2009 09:12 PM
110 comments, last by LessBread 15 years, 1 month ago
"promit", I was called an anti-semite under your gaze, do you realize how offensive that is? Or are people who's families last names begin with Stewart open targets here. I find being refered to as anti-semite very serious, and offensive, because it is, and it is wrong. No bull my Grandmothers last name is Stewart, and I as a conservative am senstive to a rapid ill-informed media lay like John aka, using my families name to hide behind, and those that know me, know it get's under my skin, so I refer to him by his families name all the time, it is how I take it back, as it is mine, not his.
Quote: Original post by stonegiant
"promit", I was called an anti-semite under your gaze,

I'm pretty sure lessbread was making fun of how you keep jumping to conclusions from cherry picking superficial similaritys to other situations.
Quote: Original post by stonegiant
"promit", I was called an anti-semite under your gaze, do you realize how offensive that is?
I've got no authority to moderate other moderators, so it's none of my business. I DO have the authority to moderate YOU, so that's what I'm doing. Besides, he's been here eight years. You haven't been here for even eight weeks and you're causing problems. You already have one well-deserved warning for trolling. I strongly recommend a more reasonable attitude.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
Quote: Original post by stonegiant
using my families name to hide behind
But why do you think he has to "hide" anything?

My understanding is that he was estranged from his father after his parents were divorced. It makes sense that he wouldn't want to use his father's name. In addition, his middle name is "Stuart" and so "Stewart" seems a logical choice.
Quote: Original post by stonegiant
... a rapid ill-informed media lay like John ...

The evidence I posted above contradicts your assertions that Daily Show viewers are ill-informed. Care to back up this statement?
I really really don't like the afore mentioned tv show comedian, I mean I really don't like him, that is where I am coming from period! If he is Jewish or Gayfish I don't care, and I am not an Anti-Semite. I have a small handfull of people in my life I trust, and two of less than half a dozen who are in this catagory are Jewish. I have found that douce'bags come in all flavors, and I feel John AKA is such a douce'.
So those here know, my Father, not Grandfather was 20 years old in 1941, he was 58 when I was born, the youngest, and a surprise. He fought in North Africa, Italy, and the push to Berlin. He saw first hand the end game of racial bias, and when as child I did anything wrong needing a parental response it was always with patience, heavy on explanation, with no physical contact, ever, except if something I did was even so much as maybe being close to being considered bullyish, or cruel, or a superior type behavior, in a nutshell racially biased type behavior I was beaten raw, and quickly, that one issue turned my Father absolutley red.
Almost forgot the fray for a minute there.
John aka calls himself a comedian, a COMEDIAN, not a journalist, he admits that. His show is not dedicated to facts, he says this everytime he's wrong on something, "Hey I'm just a comedian doing a show guy's", I'm not a reporter".
It is a comedy show about politics, not a polictal show that's comedy.
Okay, good for you. But we're talking about ACORN, so get back on track.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
Atta' girl, all action.
I'm suprised that you really are unaware of the ACORN voter fraud, right, right, your news source is reside at comedy central.
If your not willing to do a simple youtube, or google search, then you really have no business demanding I produce the same.

Do you trust AP? Check them out, that's the Associated Press.
Quote: Original post by stonegiant
Atta' girl, all action.
I'm suprised that you really are unaware of the ACORN voter fraud, right, right, your news source is reside at comedy central.
If your not willing to do a simple youtube, or google search, then you really have no business demanding I produce the same.

Do you trust AP? Check them out, that's the Associated Press.

You mean an article like this? Where 11 employees committed voter fraud, and were subsequently outed by ACORN? I hate to break this to you, but 11 employees does not a criminal organization make. ACORN has a lot more than 11 employees. Neither do the videos in question, as has already been gone over in this thread.

You keep harping on Comedy Central and the Daily Show as some sort of insult. Why do you assume that anyone here that disagrees with you only gets their news source from The Daily Show? And why do you continue to insist that they are misinformed despite the evidence I posted? What is your reliable source, given that the Associated Press doesn't seem to turn up evidence.

Quite copping out and provide your sources. Or do you have nothing to back up your accusations?

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