
Fullscreen (texture) D3DX bug???

Started by November 29, 1999 04:37 PM
-1 comments, last by Kjell Andersson 25 years, 1 month ago
I have encountered a strange bug when using the new D3DX interface in DirectX 7.0.

The problem occurs when I use textures. If I do a fullscreen application that uses
textures I get a strange crash when I switch from the application to Windows (using
Alt-Tab) and then switch back again.

I get a crash that looks like:


This program has performed an illegal operation and will shut down.

The details reveals this:

DDHELP caused an invalid page fault in
module G200DD32.DLL at 0177:baa1b749.

Is this a bug in the drivers for my Matrox Millenium G200 card or is it a general
bug in DirectX 7?

It can't be my application that does something wrong since I get the same crash
if I for example run tentacle.exe (D3DX example) in fullscreen mode and switch to the desktop and back.

The problem only appears in applications that uses textures.

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