
Are these pc specs and price good?

Started by February 13, 2008 07:05 PM
31 comments, last by CircuitX 16 years, 6 months ago
Quoted from daviangel

Where do you live?
I thought newegg shipped everywhere?

-- Remaining lines removed from quote --

Im from Puerto Rico and also thought the same but on live chat with their support I asked and they told me that if the product image had at its right something that said not available for PR, the item would not ship to PR. I tell them to check the item I was interested in and surprisingly they told me that it didn't shipped to PR. For my surprise all my selected items had that same text at the side of the product image. Had same problem on amazon.

Thanks for your info about Flight Simulator X now I know I did a good buy. I hope I can get a hand on it next week to update my virtual airline experience.

Quoted from Moe

You'll have to post a follow up on how well the video card works. I've been curious to see how well the 9600s work.

Sure I will post a follow up telling how the 9600gt performs with my specs as soon as my PC arrive and I play with it a little bit. But since it will take a week or more for it to arrive I will give you links to 2 benchmarks for the foxconn pre-overclocked 9600gt. The two links I will provide states that the foxconn is a good overclocker with stock cooling.

Also it has come to my attention from forums and reviews I had read that the EVGA 9600GT SSC is having some issues causing the PC to freeze and requiring a pc restart. The EVGA 9600GT KO from what I have read isn't having that issue. Note that I'm talking about what I have read. I don't know if those issues are real or not because I don't have one to test it. But if you are planning on buying one of those be careful and do your own research before deciding which one to buy.


[Edited by - CircuitX on March 13, 2008 3:26:10 PM]
For programming (and other things, like graphics rendering), you will see a big improvement with a quad-core, even if the FSB is slower. Modern versions of Visual Studio can break large compiles onto each of the cores, for significantly faster compiles. Quad-core for the win!

For programming specifically, a 10,000 rpm drive (like a Raptor) is going to be faster than a 7,200 rpm drive, because seek-intensive operations like locating header files or linking object files will suffer from less latency. A year from now, solid-state disks may be an even better choice for that case, but for now, a Raptor is the ideal.

Crysis is so freaking graphics card hungry it's not even funny. I have an overclocked 8800GT/512, and an E6850 CPU (3.0 GHz dual core), and it was OK on high settings and 1024x768 when running the 64-bit version. Not great, but OK.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Here is the follow up I promised. Finally my PC arrived and I installed some commonly used programs, Vista Ultimate and Ubuntu(Gutsy). Had some problems with the 9600gt driver for linux but that will be resolve soon.

As of today I had tested my system with NFS Most Wanted, it runs smooth with maxed settings and look great. Also tested it with The Witcher, which by the way is a great RPG game, and it runs like a charm with all settings maxed out. After playing it for about two hours the gpu temp was of 56C and each processor core was
at 47C which I think are good temps for stock case, processor and gpu coolers.
My benchmark score from 3dMark06 Basic was 9694 which I think is a respectable one for the price of my system.

I'm very happy with my build and thanks to all those who helped me choose the right parts.

PD - Haven't oce'd my gpu but I'm happy with how it is working right now, it is clocked at 650MHz with good room for overclocking with stock cooling.


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