Drafting the Market DistrictIn the story:The places where most people live on the moon are like the higher tech
version of slums. It is crowded, it is dirty, it is chaotic, it has a high crime
rate, it is violent in reality but not in representation, and there is not
much difference between the market and the black market. Anything is
sold to anyone.
This Lunar Colony Market district sits in the border between the relatively
order and the relatively chaotic parts of the Colony, where the police
still has significant suppression of crime. But crime still happen in this
area because this is the first accessible location with high deviation in
Things that can be brought from markets:
1) Atomic/Elemental substances
2) Chemical compounds
3) Synthetic food
4) Tools/Robots/Equipment
5) Spare parts of stuff made on the Moon
6) Experimental equipment and handcrafted parts
7) Blueprints
8) Temporary Shelters