
Flying Caesar

Started by December 28, 2007 04:59 AM
208 comments, last by Wai 14 years, 9 months ago
Repairable Drone

[ Material Routing Gates (Flash) ]

Story Role:
Worcester salvages useful parts from damaged drones to get more
working drones. He also adjust the drones for different needs.

o Lift the top off a drone to inspec the components
o Shuffle parts to get good drones.
o Use the material gates to recycle the bad parts.

Next Rolling:
1) Region Material Stockpile
2) Precipitation
3) Toxicity
4) Albatross's Grapper
5) Level Design
6) Character Modes
Albatross' Grabber

[ Grabber (Flash) ]

o When the Captain is at the helm the grabber can be release
o Press [DOWN [UP]] to release the grabber
o The grabber closes when it hits something it can be grab
o Press [UP] to yank the grabber back to the Albatross

Next Rolling:
1) Region Material Stockpile
2) Precipitation
3) Toxicity
4) Blaahval
5) Level Design
6) Character Modes
Character Modes

[ Throwing (Flash) ]

When a character is not at a console and there is nothing to examine nearby,
holding [DOWN] brings up the character modes selection. Throwing is a mode
that can be toggled on and off at will by tabbing [UP] at that mode. Some
modes cannot be changed freely. To throw something:

o Set the character to Throw Object mode
o Hold

to pick up an object
o Tab [DOWN] for the same duration as putting down an object to throw it
o If the character is standing still the object is thrown vertically up

Next Rolling:
1) Region Material Stockpile
2) Precipitation
3) Toxicity
4) Blaahval
5) Level Design
6) Medicine-Making


The world was toxic before it was frozen. Some toxic areas were
contained. Some were not. The thawing period ruptures pipes and
containment facilities, spreading the toxin to the land.

Initial Implemented Dynamics
o Each city area as a toxic level, the levels show up on the world map
o Dr. Pippali can check the type of toxin in the land
o An area with high level of toxin would deduct HP of characters
o There is no way to clean up toxin from an area. (The methods come later.)

Next Rolling:
1) Region Material Stockpile
2) Precipitation
3) Albatross Online
4) Blaahval
5) Level Design
6) Medicine-Making

[ Simple Medical Treatments (Flash) ]

Dr. Pippali treats the wounded and freezing crew.

o Find medical supplies in the Medical Kit
o Use the supplies to treat the crew
o There is a method to replenish each type of supplies

Next Rolling:
1) Region Material Stockpile
2) Precipitation
3) Albatross Online
4) Blaahval
5) Level Design
6) Lunar Colony Market

Precipitation is a major plot element. Its effect is to bury and
freeze the old world separating the present from the past and
future. The present is above the layer. The past is below. The
future is also below, because people will settle in the layer below.

The layer itself is both a protective and destructive force. The
Albatorss beams energy to evaporate sections of the layer so
that the crew could go down to fix the past to secure the future.

Implementation steps:
1) A static layer that hides all objects underneath
2) The same layer drawn using tiles
3) An aiming mechanism to allow the Albatross to evaporate a tile
4) A mechanism that reseals the void, trapping anything inside
5) Sections of layer that could collapse
Thematic Elements

[ Cold Blanket (mp3) ]
For thousand miles of snow covered land, the only sign of
life is the snow flakes swirling under the gliding Albatross.
Is this a life where everything stood still, or is this a death
but with the chance to revive?

[ Beeping Dosimeter (mp3) ]
The ice is thawing.
The land is waking up.
Its heartbeat is radioactive.
You have been expecting it,
but is it beating too soon?

[ Anywhere is a Skating Rink (mp3) ]
Since there is ice everywhere, might as well...
Holding hands, making long arcs, jumping and turning.
Let's make them join us.
Even the drones are skating.
It is a wonderful moment that only happens once.

[ A Typical Warm Day(mp3) ]
Some time, some day, in a typical warm day in Spring,
where the land is warm, and the sun is gentle.

[ Precipitation (Flash) ]

o Blizzard and snow build up the snow
o Rain also builds snow if there is already snow
o Sun melts snow
o Albatross's grabber melts snow

Next Rolling:
1) Region Material Stockpile
2) Lightning
3) Albatross Online
4) Blaahval
5) Level Design
6) Lunar Colony Market
Drafting the Market District

In the story:

The places where most people live on the moon are like the higher tech
version of slums. It is crowded, it is dirty, it is chaotic, it has a high crime
rate, it is violent in reality but not in representation, and there is not
much difference between the market and the black market. Anything is
sold to anyone.

This Lunar Colony Market district sits in the border between the relatively
order and the relatively chaotic parts of the Colony, where the police
still has significant suppression of crime. But crime still happen in this
area because this is the first accessible location with high deviation in

Things that can be brought from markets:
1) Atomic/Elemental substances
2) Chemical compounds
3) Synthetic food
4) Tools/Robots/Equipment
5) Spare parts of stuff made on the Moon
6) Experimental equipment and handcrafted parts
7) Blueprints
8) Temporary Shelters

[ Money (Flash) ]

In the story:
The Albatross has an account. When Granola goes to the market district,
she buys additional supplies using the money in that account. Granola is
just one out of many officers that are responsible for purchasing.

The amount of money in the account is an online global. It is shared among
all instances of the game. At the moment the purchased item only exist in
buyer's instance. So the Albatross is losing money everytime a player buys

Granola and Parmesa can see Albatross's account in one of their character

Next Rolling:
1) Region Material Stockpile
2) Lightning
3) Albatross Online
4) Blaahval
5) Level Design
6) Banana Peel

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