
Flying Caesar

Started by December 28, 2007 04:59 AM
208 comments, last by Wai 14 years, 9 months ago

[ Baby (Flash) ]

In the story:
Baby stays home.

Next Rolling:
1) Scenematic Mode
2) Crying Baby
3) Chatting
4) Iceberg
5) Bunny Mashmallow
6) Ferris Wheel

[ Swinging Bunny (Flash) ]

In the story:
No bunny is swung.

Next Rolling:
1) Scenematic Mode
2) Crying Baby
3) Chatting
4) Iceberg
5) Damaged Buildings
6) Ferris Wheel
Crying Baby


Next Rolling:
1) Scenematic Mode
2) Ballena
3) Chatting
4) Iceberg
5) Damaged Buildings
6) Ferris Wheel
Damaged Buildings

[ Flight Crew Site (Flash) ]

In the story:
The flight crew flies over the site to mark the buildings.
Do not fall into rubbles. Debris may fall from damaged
buildings. Avoid live power lines. Avoid air collision.

Next Rolling:
1) Scenematic Mode
2) Ballena
3) Chatting
4) Iceberg
5) Albatross In-Flight Entrance
6) Ferris Wheel

[ Iceberg (Flash) ]

In the story:
Icebergs block the water routes.

[ ARROW ] Moves the crosshair
[ SHIFT ] Fire in the hole

Next Rolling:
1) Scenematic Mode
2) Ballena
3) Chatting
4) Frozen fish
5) Albatross In-Flight Entrance
6) Ferris Wheel

By chatting, I originally meant allowing players to exchange messages
online. But now I want to do chatting between two characters in the
game instead. I want to depict daily chats, and I want to turn it into
a game. The following are considerations to use chatting as part of
the game and to tell the story.

In the story:
Most characters are initially unacquainted. Olivia gets to know each
one of them.

What I want to show in the design:
o Olivia getting to know each character.
o The relation between Olivia and the characters develop.

The game:
This particular design is an episodic design that depicts one day at
the beginning of her stay on the Albatross. Olivia was curious and
wanted to meet with everyone. Her desire is to meet with everyone
and to properly introduce or to relate herself to other characters.

I don't yet know what I need to do to abstract it for it to possibly
turn into an interaction with varying content. So for now I only plan
to stick with scripted events, and see how much I could vary it later.

Actions that Olivia can do:

1) Move around
2) Talk

Talk is an action that can only happen when another character is there.
The player chooses a topic among the options. The player's goal in the
game is to find the set of events and choices that would let Olivia know
a little more about each character.

Implementation details:
o A conversational interface that allows more text
o Suppress my urge to make this replayable.
o Suppress my urge to make this non-linear.
Depiction of Everyday Life on Albatross
(Continue about Olivia's quest to chat with every other crew member)

Important locations:

Olivia's room: This is the location where Olivia starts the day and return
at night. Details: Olivia is supposed to call mom at 7pm and go to bed
at 8pm. Olivia wakes up at 6am.

Mess hall: This is where the crew members (including Olivia) eat. The crew
does not all eat at the same time.
Olivia Meets Crew

[ Olivia Meets Crew (Flash) ]

[ Flowchart (Image) ]


[SPACE] Continue to the next message
[DOWN] Initiate conversation with a character in front of Olivia
[A][C][D] Select dialog choices

Next Rolling:
1) Scenematic Mode
2) Ballena
3) Character daily schedule
4) Frozen fish
5) Albatross In-Flight Entrance
6) Ferris Wheel
Ferris Wheel: Design

In the story:
The flight crew covers a large area, seeing structures from far away
and also up close. The flight crew works hard to check the structures.

I don't want to zoom through several levels because it wastes time. So
I am just going to show objects at different distances at once. When
Romaina flies to a Ferris Wheel, I would show both the wheel in skyline
scale and the gondolas in closer to her size so that she could dodge
individual gondolas. Objects that belong to different scales are
superimposed and Romaina needs to interact with all layers at once.

I have already done this with debris that pop up, debris that fall down,
fire hydrant that launches. The next movement I want is gondolas that
revolve across the screen.

The design remains that if Romaina just stay flying above the land and
does nothing, there is no danger. Danger comes when the player tries to
mark the structures, and marking the structures is the goal of her
mission. Dying in mission is a non-recoverable state, it is up to the
player to decide the level of risk that is safe to take. That is what
I want to tell about Romaina's role and let the player identify Romaina
with a fearless character through gameplay (but not reckless, since
recklessness would kill Romaina). The stage is designed accordingly
as a series of self-assigned risks.
Live Feed

[ Live Feed (Flash) ]

In the story:
On a clear day, the Albatross can see what the flight crew sees via live feed.

[UP][UP] Mount bird
[LEFT+RIGHT] Drop bunny
[SPACE] Continue conversation
[A] Dialog choices

Next Rolling:
1) Scenematic Mode
2) Ballena
3) Character daily schedule
4) Frozen fish
5) Albatross In-Flight Entrance
6) Shipment

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