Banana Peel[ Banana Peel (Flash) ]In the story:The banana peel is the embodiment of the tragedy of the commons
that plagued the old world. Will it continue in the new world?
Quote:threads with lovely gameplay diagrams |
What diagrams? In which thread?
I think at the moment the most important updates are
1) Scenematic Mode
5) Level Design
Scenematic Mode allows me to do skippable cutscene to introduce a setting
using the sprite characters as actors. It will let me code an episode with
a begining and ending. Those episode will be standalone, such that the
player does not need to save/load or do any work to get to a scenario.
The difficulty is not in how to stage and manipulate the situations to get
to those scenarios, but how to survive in such scenarios. I suppose this
is a type of branching story design where the player gets direct access to
the possible branches. The player is free to connect the experience to
piece together the overall story, or to select the favorable episodes for
an overall story. The player could replay the scenario any number of times.
Level Design is an update where I will start keeping track of a systematic
method to design a level. The levels will be coded to see whether the
method is practical. In that state I am supposed to come up with a level
design with the existing elements only (without adding new elements). This
part is hard without proper variation of the stage or the contents, therefore
in the list I include content updates.
Trumpeter This is an update where I add a second bird. With dual
control the player can fly two birds at the same time and *do stuff*.