Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
As I said previously, I don't even consider Pirate Dawn to be my best game, let alone "the" best game. That is an assumption that you are all making that is clearly just wrong.
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
If anyone really reads Pirate Dawn, and puts it together to where they actually understand what the game is... it should be obvious that it would have been the #2 MMO game after Everquest had it been released in 2002 or so.
Saying it's the 'best game' is a figure of speech. Saying it's the '#2 MMO in the world' is arrogance.
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
I am also saying that, since MMO games have not evolved at all since 1998, that it would probably still be the #2 MMO game today.
Completely wrong.
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
I am not saying "look at me, I am the greatest".
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
My name is Marc Michalik and I have been designing games and simulations since before the computer game industry even existed.
That has pretty much means "look at me, I am the greatest" for most people.
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
As for "where is the revolutionary stuff", I did direct you to a few specific examples.
Where are they, again?
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
In Pirate Dawn the enitre game revolves aroung the "clans", rather than "clans" simply being a unrelated thing on a web site.
Again, have you ever played World of Warcraft? I'm not a connoisseur on the subject, but I believe that there are very well defined teams that affect in-game actions.
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
...rather than being a single player game that a bunch of other people just happen to be playing at the same time.
Is the only MMORPG you've ever played RuneScape?
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
Once some people have really, truly had time to read it... they can describe some of these things for me.
As game designer it is your job to explain and describe it, not other people's. And no-one (well, maybe you will get someone) is going to read an uninterrupted 197 page document for some random guy on the Internet. It takes an average person speed-reads at 200wpm with 60% comprehension rate. So that means that they'll take over 15 hours straight to remember most of it. I don't know many people that generous.
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
You have to put it all together to the point that you can envision how the game will play out in your mind to truly appreciate how this really is so very different than other MMO games.
Once again, you said you saved a game from an empty engine and wrote the entire thing single-handedly. Make us a demo!
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
Finally, I understand that my "marketing strategy" may appear insane. At 40, and with more actual game design experience than most people working in the computer game industry, I am past making little games with some tool or any path like that.
Don't try that crap - that you're 'arrogance' was all part of some big plan. You're just trying to redeem yourself.
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
Three letters telling me that these people believe that some 20 year old kid with a defree from the "Devry School of Game Design" "more closely matches the requirements of the position" was all I could take. The last straw. These people are just plain incompenant.
Who's incompetent again?
Quote: Original post by Pirate_Lord
Someone said something about "arrogance"... "Arrogance" is telling someone with over 25 years of experience with game and simulation design that some 20 year old kid "more closely matches the requirments of the position". *That* is "arrogance".
That's smart. I wouldn't hire you either.
I don't like you. :P