
Direct Input problem please help

Started by August 12, 1999 12:02 AM
0 comments, last by mattc 25 years, 5 months ago


I wonder if you could help me, I am trying to run the SetProperty event in VB, for the Direct Input feature. However I have been unable to find the information on the necessary GUID's for the 1st parameter. The one I'm specifically interested in as detailed in the SDK is

If you know or have any ideas how to get the GUID values for DIPROP_CALIBRATIONMODE I would be very grateful to hear from you.

Thanks in advance,

Matt :-)

You know what I used to do to find GUI values for items that I couldn't find. I just went into my H (header) files and looked at what Microsoft wrote down for them.

For example.. I needed the TCPIP gui code and IPX GUI.. So I loaded up the dplay.h file (for directPlay) and waalaa.. They were defined right there.

Hope this helps.


ps: sometimes you can go into your registry and look at the UI for items like your mouse.

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