Quote: Original post by Jarrod1937
i can tell from your comments that you haven't taken the professor's or my advice, learn your theory.
We'll, actually I did, but I haven't gotten around to texturing or lighting.
Back from Professor's post on a quesiton I had months ago:
Quote: Original post by Professor420
Anyway, I suggest that you go to www.3dtotal.com or some other site and go through a bunch of tutorials. Basically you are asking us to help you on your first or so model, you have something specific in mind and you're asking us how to make it. First, learn the fundamentals of modelling, of your 3d program, get some research for design, and in a month come back to the model with the skills you've learned.
Also, forget about lighting and texturing for the time being. There are a couple good books on lighting for CG, but its basically no different from lighting for film or anything like that. Texturing is going to be difficult (I'd say impossible) without any artistic training and studying (formal or self-taught), but you definately can't begin your road to texturing having bypassed the art and design and fundamental/traditional aspects of it.
I've been using many 3dtotal tutorials to learn more about modelling and small scenes. I've been looking at a shop scene by Juan Sequier for quite awhile to see different modelling techniques (like deformation). As the professor suggested, I decided to ignore texturing and lighting. I used a few tutorials on lighting, and one on texturing on the rare occasion when I wanted to see my model more clearly. But really, the texturing part took me more time than I spent on modelling. But it varied with the two projects I used textures in (a gun and a knife).
If you look at my profile and find the initial nuke launcher that I made months ago (which, yes, sucked), and look at a render of my latest gun, I have clearly improved in my modelling skills; but the texturing is still left aside. I worked on lighting in a church scene and a small room a few months ago. The church scene render is also in my nuke launcher thread. I didn't spend that much time on lighting in the church scene (2 hours maybe? modelling just over an hour) ...
The professor suggested several books on lighting, texturing and rendering ([digital] series), but I never bought them (yet) becuase I'm not at the level to focus on that.
Therefore, I think my time scales were fine, for a beginner that follows modelling techniques from books, videos etc, and uses the rare tutorial on texturing and lighting when the need arrives. I'm just following what was suggested to me; I haven't reached the texturing or lighting level yet. Seeing that myintkt (thread starter) is also a beginner, the proportions would probably fit him for awhile.