
Mode-Memorizing Program For Guitar (made it myself! =)

Started by March 11, 2006 03:50 AM
-1 comments, last by Antisheep 18 years, 10 months ago
Link here =) I'm no programmer; I'm a musician. However, I've been wanting to get deeper into coding than I have in the past, so I took a 'Windows Programming' course at my high school. Turns out they're teaching >_> ANYWAYS, I've been trying to memorize my mode forms on guitar.* I decided to make a program with to help myself be able to instantly recognize modes, intervals, etc. It's not totally polished yet, but it's getting there. And I know it's not artistic or directly music-related, but my audience is you guys (musicians), so mods: please don't move the topic. *Laymen: Modes = scales starting on different degrees of the major scale...they're the fundamentals of music ... Other stuff you probably don't want to read: P.P.S. Read this if you want to understand the "Ionian 1 = 1" (etc) menu: This menu is actually allowing the user to pick where the "1" is, so for example if they choose dorian 1 = 1, and are presented with a diagram of the locrian mode, the "1" is going to start on the 3rd note in the locrian mode (which would be the 1st note of the dorian mode for the same key signature). This feature is relevant because not all songs use the ionian (major) scale. An instrumentalist (especially one interested in jazz) must be able to specify where any part of the scale is on their instrument, no matter which mode the chart's in. P.P.P.S. Oh yeah, and the purpose for the option of changing color is to either help the user recognize the distance fret-wise and string-wise between different octaves of the same interval...or help them get a picture of different 'bar' sets so they can look at the fretboard and just piece them together right there. It's much easier to be able to visualize the scale that way.
________________________Quote: OluseyiI knew of a "Christian" couple in Nigeria who named their child "God's End-time Battle Axe." I kid you not.

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