i have some problems with his methods. I am using this Drawing Method:
int WhereX; // Where are we currently rendering on the map?
int WhereY;
WhereY = WorldY;
WhereX = WorldX;
int x, y, X_Overlap=32, Y_Overlap=15;
for(y = 0; y < 35; y++)
for(x = 0; x < 25; x++)
// Set the Foreground Pos
tile_texfg.x = x+2*X_Overlap*x+(X_Overlap)*(y&1); // ScreenX;
tile_texfg.y = y+Y_Overlap*y;
tile_texfg.curr_frame = level->Map[2][WhereX][WhereY].TileID; // Last Layer ( Foreground )
tile_texfg.Draw_Graphics( );
WhereX = WorldX;
With this the this method all Tile were draw correct. Scrolling to X is correct but when i am scrolling Y the tile are not drawing correctly. Is there a better method to draw like Tanstaafl''s Staggered Map Iso?
Then i am using his MouseMap method ( Really Great! )
void pointer_get_map_coords( int CoordX, int CoordY, int *mapx, int *mapy )
int x, y;
// get the x and y positions on screen relative to scroll and center coords
x = (CoordX + world.WorldX)/64;
y = (CoordY + world.WorldY)/64;
// store the results
*mapx = x;
*mapy = y;
int RegionX =((CoordX)/64);
int RegionY =((CoordY)/32)*2; // The multiplying by two is very important
int MouseMapX = CoordX % 64;
int MouseMapY = CoordY % 32;
int RegionDX;
int RegionDY;
// make a couple aliases to make code cleaner, so we don''t
// have to cast
int mempitch = (int)ddsd.lPitch;
USHORT *video_buffer = (USHORT *)ddsd.lpSurface;
DWORD color = video_buffer[MouseMapX+MouseMapY*(mempitch>>1)];
lpddtileex->Unlock( NULL );
if ( color == 63488 ) // Red ( Links Oben )
RegionDX = -1;
RegionDY = -1;
if ( color == 65504 ) // Gelb ( Rechts Oben )
RegionDX = 0;
RegionDY = -1;
if ( color == 65535 ) // White ( Tile )
RegionDX = 0;
RegionDY = 0;
if ( color == 2016 ) // Green ( Links Unten )
RegionDX = -1;
RegionDY = 1;
if ( color == 31 ) // Blue ( Rechts Unten )
RegionDX = 0;
RegionDY = 1;
int result_x = RegionX + RegionDX;
int result_y = RegionY + RegionDY;
if ( result_x < 0 )
result_x =0;
if ( result_y < 0 )
result_y =0;
*mapx = result_x;
*mapy = result_y;
this method works but how i can implement the feature when i am for Example at world.x = 15, world.y = 5; And then there is a problem with the X_ADJUST because i don`t know how i can implement it.
Lutz Hören
[ Power Productions ]