Original post by fractoid It's actually quite a common (and AFAIK the original) term for it. Maybe 'seizure' is more common in your part of the world, but haven't you ever heard of an 'epileptic fit'?
No. I've heard of an epileptic seizure, though. Weird.
Nein heer du smign. ah open up the nine im heer du shmine
A man goes to a doctor and he says, "Doctor! Doctor! I have this terrible problem. I can't remember ANYTHING!" The doctor asks him, "How long have you had this problem?" The man says, "what problem?"
Dumb blonde joke coming up.
A redhead, a blonde, and a brunette agreed to race across the river, doing the breast stroke. The brunette won in about 5 minutes, followed by the redhead in 7. The blonde, however took 5 weeks to cross. When she finally gets to the shore, the others ask her what took you so long. She says, "I thought we were doing the BREAST stroke!"
1. Two tomatoes try to cross the road, then one says to another: - Hey, look out! Here comes a *splork* - What *splork*
2. You're driving your motorbike, you got fire-truck behind you and closing in, an helicopter in front of you flying very low almost hitting you with the heli, a huge pig on your left and a deep abyss on your right!
What do you do? How do you escape??
Jump out of the carrousel! (weee)
[Edited by - Carlos Leituga on May 25, 2005 3:40:06 PM]