
vc++6 trace message

Started by November 02, 2000 10:47 AM
2 comments, last by lakibuk 24 years, 2 months ago
is there something like printf("point1"); which i can use to print some text in the window,where i get the compiling errors,etc. ? i need it for debugging. or is there some way to do normal vc++ debugging in fullscreen mode ?
Karl - Blueskied Games | my german site: Gratis Spiele
I believe you can ouput to the compiler''s debug window by using std::cerr:

#include &ltiostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int, char*)
cerr << "something important" << endl;
cerr << "something else" << endl;

For debugging in fullscreen mode with the debugger visible, you can either set up another video card and monitor for your computer or "remote" debug over a LAN with another computer running the debugger.

- null_pointer
Sabre Multimedia
You can use the Win32 API function OutputDebugString() to display a string in your debug window.

Also, if you display the message using this format:

filename(linenumber): your message here

then you can double click on the message and it will take you to the file/line number the message was displayed at, just like you can with compile errors (it's the same format).

- Houdini

Edited by - Houdini on November 2, 2000 12:34:53 PM
- Houdini
Wow Houdini, I didn''t know that trick with the filename(linenumber)... I''ll have to give that a try... very helpful.

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