
NeHe listen....

Started by October 24, 2000 05:51 AM
90 comments, last by RealityMonster 24 years, 3 months ago
Message to davepermen:
I think they don''t know what''s the meaning of "usw" or do they???
hm.. you could be right

hm, whatitis then.. and so on.. aso?
ok.. usw==and so on

we wanna play, not watch the pictures

If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

My Page | My Music on Bandcamp and on Soundcloud

What''s ''usw'' in German?

Hey, while you''re at it, you might as well use the Latin... I think everyone gets that: "etc." (et cetera)....

sounds great
how do you plan to connect it to NeHe i think its got to have a NeHe touch to really get people interested?
too bad the BIG GUY doesnt prowl the forum often
hey couldnt we create a new gdnet forum?
each thread can be a tutorial and people could add to that
also its got built in search capability
but organizing the material into categories might be difficult
thats just 99 left
im waiting for the other 99... hello?

nope, i''ll start soon, but i dont wanna recreate gamedev! it''s too good for this

and, i dont wanna create a forum, or a new tutorial-page. its an index, just an index, where you can post entries..

this entries could be tutorials, but normaly small ones, please..

we wanna play, not watch the pictures

If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

My Page | My Music on Bandcamp and on Soundcloud

it''s bether when you put in a link to your tutorial, because its more important to get a fast overview of the stuff you searched for, not the complete api/engine then

for example:

how to draw a quad (i know.. stupid.. aniways)

glBegin(GL_QUAD); //Calls openGL that you are beginning drawing a quad now
glVertex3d(x1,y1,z1); //first point of the quad
glVertex3d(x2,y2,z2); //second point of the quad
glVertex3d(x3,y3,z3); //third point of the quad
glVertex3d(x4,y4,z4); //fourth and last point of the quad
}glEnd(); //Calls openGL that the quad is finished

note: when you dont use glEnd(), you could draw more than one quad at once, you just have to overgive the next four points for every quad

//here your code for quad one

//here your code for quad two

//here your code for quad three

//here your code for quad four
}glEnd(); //and you stop drawing quads after 4 ones

we wanna play, not watch the pictures

If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

My Page | My Music on Bandcamp and on Soundcloud

usw = und so weiter = etc.. and im not even german, but close to german.. and yes.. this has absolutely nothing to do with topic.. I know.. but I think you guys got a great idea there.. why not let gamedev host it? then it would be easier found by people and therefore visited more often
98 and counting

so if i click on the glQUAD category, will i see a list of related tutorial links or will i see the actual tutorials? i mean are we hosting the tutorials or linking to them?

Edited by - RealityMonster on October 26, 2000 11:10:30 AM

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