Loading an MP3 using SDL_mixer
Hwo can I load an MP3 using SDL_mixer, I can't figure it out because unlike SDL_image, teher isn't one big functions for loading all sounds.
Here's what I have audio-wise.
what am i doing wrong?
SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO );//...Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024);//...Mix_VolumeMusic(50);Mix_Music *tap = Mix_LoadMUS("click.mp3");//...Mix_PlayMusic(tap, 1);
what am i doing wrong?
The mixer can currently load Microsoft WAVE files and Creative Labs VOC files as audio samples, and can load MIDI files via Timidity and the following music formats via MikMod: .MOD .S3M .IT .XM. It can load Ogg Vorbis streams as music if built with the Ogg Vorbis libraries, and finally it can load MP3 music using the SMPEG library.
I found that statement in the docs - I too tried to load a .mp3 and it didn't work right. If I find a fix I will let you know.
- Drew
[edit] From what I have read, it is better to use FMOD or SDL_Sound (as mentioned here for mp3 playback). I hope this helps! [/edit]
[Edited by - Drew_Benton on December 22, 2004 11:48:17 AM]
Instead of meddling with SDL_Mixer, I'd suggest checking out FMod. It's very easy to use and very powerful.
Here's a tutorial that uses SDL_mixer to load an Ogg file:
Loading an MP3 file is analogous. Let me know if you have any trouble!
Loading an MP3 file is analogous. Let me know if you have any trouble!
--Visit the Game Programming Wiki!
I had trouble with MP3s as well when using SDL_Mixer so I just switched to OGG files. I used GoldWave to convert them, its a free audio utility found at http://www.goldwave.com/.
Original post by Rob Loach
Instead of meddling with SDL_Mixer, I'd suggest checking out FMod. It's very easy to use and very powerful.
I agree.
---http://www.michaelbolton.comI constantly dream about Michael Bolton.
I just decided to convert the MP3s to WAVs becaus SDL supports those by default =P.
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