Original post by S/SWell, if we disagree then we'll have to see what the other staff members think about it.
This is correct. I never expect any resolution based on the discussions of two members. I am not being sarcastic. We are responsible to stand on our grounds and elaborated on ideas that we come up with. If we are a good set of thinkers, ideally there will be a set (or more) of concrete idea from each of us, from which we can base our compromises on.
Original post by Avatar God
You know, Estok, you'll always win these discussions of random other games - because you have more information and we're just left guessing and interpreting. Not suprisingly, we're often wrong, which you don't hesitate to point out in such a friendly way.
13-tails is not a random discussion about other games. It is a valid outcome based on the initial survey and the on-going discussions about the world buildings, character depths, gameplay, themes, and central ideas.
None of what I have been talking about are random stuffs. They are and has always been valid marks on the gird of possible outcomes that from which we build unstanding of our standards and to base our compromises on.
I do hold more information on my own ideas. However, the point is not to leave you guessing what I mean. I do not require you to believe me and trust me that the outcome will be just fine. I want you to disagree with me, ask me, and make me interpret, so that we can clarify on what we don't share. There is the notion of right and wrong in the discussions, and it is related to whether someone got the ideas and intentions correctly. It is necessary to clarify in our exchange of ideas.
In that light, I'll just not comment on the Fox's Eye game.
Again, Fox Eye's game is not a random game.
I agree with sunandshadow that I would like the advancement of things (any things) to be less obvious, and less like earning belts (though there's a time for that, it isn't in our game. IMHO.).
I don't see the association with earning belts. I don't know in what direction I should clarify because I am not sure what you misinterpreted about 13-tails.
My guess is this: I said that for beginners there is the fox tail. The fox tail is not associated with any ability that the PC earns or acquire, and then as the PC 'levels up' the PC can acquire some other tails like 'fire tail' or something. The fox tail as something "for beginners" refers to the player's understanding on the metaphor of the term 'thirteen tails'. There was the idea that that each RNPC has a knot to untie. The 'thirteen tails' refers to thirteen knots. Initially, the player is led to believe that each of the 13-tails has a physical tail, and the meaning of the name is just that. As the game progresses the player is invited to interpret it with its deeper meaning. The tails are metaphors of the contraditions that each 13-tails has to conquer (with the help of the PC) in order to reach spirituality.
I don't like dualism (IRL). I also don't like using cartesian dualism in our game - that would have everyone advancing to the level of Spiritual, and I don't want that at all. I absolutely agree that it is right for some people and wrong for others. Very few people will make it there!
I did not talk about dualism in the discussion of 13-tails. Was there something that reminded you of it, if so, what was it?
Now, this obviously does NOT fit in with any of the popular western beliefs. I think we may have to envision it as a combination of dualism and, say, buddhism or taoism.
What 'does NOT fit in with any of the popular western beliefs'? In what ways do you envision it be combined with buddhism and taoism? What are some sample outcomes of such combination?
Granted, some people may find themselves on the path to becoming a Spiritual without recognizing it, but they must realize and pursue it to continue.
This is correct. There seems to be a subtle difference. In thirteen tails, the characters never proclaim that anything like, "I have realized that I have the potential, and therefore I am not pursuring to become a spiritual." It is an abtract, philosophical achievement. One way to reveal the difference is to answer this question: "How do you envision a character become spiritual? What is the actual process involved?"
And I agree that it is about time to reopen the Spiritual debate, as it seems to be flourishing now... [grin]
I don't think we are ready for it. For the same reason that I said we were not ready for character creations. The overall game is practically formless. Even if we discuss it we don't have what it takes to guarantee a margin exists for it to fit with other parts of the game world. In addition, we run the risk of compromising based on the false assumptions that we understand the visions of others. In terms of forming a common understanding our visions. Do you regard what I posted about 13-tails as a game review? Regarding the game reviews that s/s and AG wrote I have questions that needs to be clarified.