Man, all we're looking for is a non-specific game review! Imagine you played a game that you really liked, and list the
general traits that you enjoyed most. You don't need to put details about liking a character and certainly don't include any major pieces of plot.
Though, to be fair, the Cryo possibility is a good one.
Have you ever taken any martial arts? Because still, from what I can see, Fox's Eye seems to have a lot of correlations with gaining belts. Plus, it isn't like you're just learning new forms, you also have to gain the understanding that goes with the new level, accept the new responsibility, and come to understand yourself more.
And we're voting on a working title so we don't have to keep calling it the GameDev.Net Collaborative Game Writing Project. We can always adjust or redo it later when we get further in the process.
About us not being far enough along to talk about the Spirituals... it seems that it would help if we could decide who we wanted the Spirituals to be. Then we could easily come up with the how and why they are how they are.
Truthfully I found the idea of an uncharacterized human in an alien world unsatisfactory. I have always protested against it, if you can recall the discussion about 'speculative science fictions'. It is not difficult to envision such a game and I have already done that in the beginning of this thread. There was an ancient dispute on what I meant by sacrifice and reincarnation. I still don't know whether you understand what I meant.
It seems to me that we ought to be past this point. For that matter, it seems to me that we won't all get what we want and will have to aquiesce to the majority of the group (yeah, so there's four of us, but it's always a plurality anyways). I agree with a clean slate for the PC, in an "alien" world. Even though this wasn't exactly what we all wanted, we went with it because at some point, you just have to move on. At the least, it was a consensus with qualification. If it was disputed heavily, that should have been the FIRST thing to show up in the OPRL.
And I'm not sure the argument that it would be easy to fathom a game like that is really valid. I mean, World of Warcraft is selling great right now. I could certainly have imagined that. Besides, not everybody has played as many sci-fi quasi-romance games and Estok and sunandshadow. I, for example, haven't really played any, but would like to. In particular, I would like to play this one, that combines different elements - romance, adventure, personal combat, and politics.
Estok: The description above is formless, because it says nothing about the central idea, the actual mystery, and the conflict. I am not an advocate of the above idea. I asked many times what the mystery is, what the conflicts are, and if there is combat what is the PC fighting against. Many misunderstood that I was refering to the plot.
Well, it seems as if these might be partly dependent on plot. Still, the central goal is to discover who you are, and maybe find love in the process. The conflicts will be integral to the plot, I imagine, but also to the characters - we're bound to see plenty of conflicts with Skew, Lion, Bunny, and the PC. We're also going to see many problems between the Technos, Magicals, humans, and Spirituals just by their very nature. We've even talked about these.
Estok: We settled on the notion that each RNPC has a knot that needs to be untied. However that still does not give the overall story a form in terms of the world building. We never really answered these familiar questions: What is the significance of the fact that there are two races? What is the significance that the human has been frozen? What are the metaphors? What do we want the player to think deeply about our game world and situation?
I was under the impression that we had all answered these questions a long, long time ago. In fact, I'm sure of it. Perhaps you missed it (to be fair, quite a few posts went unrecognized - particularly 5MinuteGaming, and to a lesser extent, mine - while some debate was going on about an alternate, slightly related other situational example).
The four races (there are four, by the way, not two) - they are all related, spawned from the original humans. The humans, at some distinct juncture in response to a tragedy,
...and I'll finish this later, but I'll go ahead and post this now.