Original post by pinacolada
Ugh I am so sick of people complaining about how games don''t have good plot.
1) There are games out there with good stories (one of my favorites is The Longest Journey, but I''m sure the OP has never played this).
Ok, I kinda take offense to this ''cause I was the one who started the post saying that todays game plots are shit. I have played The Longest Journey, and it is one of the few games out there with a good plot, but that dosnt excuse the fact that 9/30 games coming out are the same rehased plots that have been done to death since the 1980''s. The storyline has taken a backseat in game design these days, and people have every right to be pissed off by this.
Yes, the ratio of games with good stories to games in general is probably like 1 to 10 or 1 to 20. But in comparison, look at all the crap that Hollywood puts out. I think if you took the ratio of movies with good stories, compared to every movie that has been put out, you would still only end up with a ratio of like 1 to 5.
Wait, ''cause there are shitty movies, that makes it ok to make shitty game plots? I dont think this comparison hold much ground, as 99% of movies that come out are TRYING to make a good story to suck in audiences; its just that sometimes they tottaly miss the mark. Granted there are games that DO try there hearts out to make a good plot, and sometimes these miss the mark aswell.
Now, the opposite end of that scale is horrer/gore films. To them the story is just a thing that gets in the way, but needs to be done to link one lot of blood and guts to the next lot of blood and guts. THIS is what games have become. The developers are putting in tottaly halfassed plots just to tie one explosion to the next demon bashing.
The biggest difference between movies and games is that a movie maker can say ''should we make a movie set in Rome or the high seas?'', and the plot ideas he has are only limited by what the 3d animation team can pull out (not that there isnt much they cant do!). Where as a game developer says ''screw the high seas! That would be sooo hard to program, like waves and stuff!''. So it gets scrapped and another RTS set in Rome is made. Yay.
For point 2) I''m just going to quote Carmack: "A story in a game is like a story in a porn; it''s expected to be there, but it''s not important." If I want a quality story, I''ll watch a movie, if I want good gameplay, I''ll play a game.
Your kidding right? You are now saying that you dont even play games for thier plots, yet you said earlier that you played The Longest Journey for, im assuming, THE PLOT!!!!
I am sure that Carmac did not mean that for every game made, otherwise RPG''s would not exist. According to your theory, they shouldnt even HAVE plots, they should just be a click fest to build your character up like in diablo. No wait, that cant work, since Diablo had an underlying plot about the demon attacks! You need to make it so that no explanation at all has to be made, no plot whatsoever. The player just has to go into the level and click over and over with no defnied purpose. Like Tetris. Yay!
Maybe we should be complaining that Hollywood movies all have horrible gameplay!
Oh for fucks sake.