
Bot's name and his very special tactics

Started by July 15, 2003 11:29 AM
56 comments, last by T2k 21 years, 2 months ago
quote: Original post by LagRange
Name: BrainBot
Tactic: inherits the opponents ai class and runs an expandable neural network to analyse it''s tactics
Weakness: exceeds the system''s memory and crashes
AI-Experience: Ball bouncing off screen edges

[edited by - LagRange on July 17, 2003 4:21:58 PM]

I think you might need a little more experience than that to make brainbot
quote: Original post by LagRange

I would have thought you would try to make a LagBot

Tactics: Lag frags

Qui fut tout, et qui ne fut rien
Invader''s Realm
Name: Drag Queen
Tactics: dresses up in the skankiest clothing possible (often being a very short skirt and a very small tube top) and attempts to flirt with the enemy on sight usually the enemy notices he forgot the shave, and if not then they without a doubt notice there''s a little something extra protruding from that lil skirt he''s wearing and shoot him on sight

AI exp: not much, lil bit of robocode, and a couple other random odd jobs i''ve done, but nothing major
name: Bushman
tactics: Emulates that ''hilarious'' thing from carttons/dumb ''comedies'' of dressing up like a tree and creeping up on opponent; every time they turn around it stops.
weaknesses: Likely to lose against stupid bots who go round setting fire to trees by mistake.

name: The Rock
tactics: It is, in fact, a rock.
strengths: Invincible
weaknesses: Offensive capability limited to hoping the opponent trips over it. Possibly a good tag-mate for bushman - anyone stupid enough to try to blow up a tree is likely to walk into rocks a lot!
quote: Original post by d000hg
weaknesses: Offensive capability limited to hoping the opponent trips over it. Possibly a good tag-mate for bushman - anyone stupid enough to try to blow up a tree is likely to walk into rocks a lot!

erm...... Like the Test bot''s that come with the Exe! They walk into trees and rocks alot, often shooting the trees!
Well khawk''s already taken lot''s of flak for his bot''s IQs so I wasn''t going to mention him specifically, but yes

(No offence Khawk)
name: BOTsing
-run like hell
-annoy spectators with irritating chat messages
-execute putc(0, ((FILE*)0)); when losing hehe
-try not to kill self
-run more
ai experience: hardly any
name: poopbot
tatic: covers itself with crap and chases after opponent.


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