
Bot's name and his very special tactics

Started by July 15, 2003 11:29 AM
56 comments, last by T2k 21 years, 2 months ago
Name: Lmao!
Tactics: Uhmm...
AI Experience: Tic Tac Toe
Did the contest start already? How does everybody know their tactic if they haven''t seen the interface we''re supposed to use?
[sarcasm]Yeah the interface makes a big difference to how we code eg:
name: Chickentactics: tip toes around the arena hoping to not be seen,if he sees the enemy there's a random change of him shootingat the enemy, shooting at his self, dropping his gun, staying still in shock,playing dead.   
(my personal favourite so far)[/sarcasm]

So are lots of complete novices planning to enter? Are you also coding novices (thinks might have a chance of doing respectably) or just AI novices (looks forward to 1st-round K.O)

Maybe we could have preliminary rounds to give a seeding of sorts or something?

[edited by - d000hg on July 15, 2003 8:27:14 PM]
when does the contest start?
I think Kevin has said it will probably start this weekend. Is''at right?
__________________________________________________________America seems to like crap because its what we make popular. - Goober King

Flashes the opponent, and attacks while opponent is vomiting uncontrollably.


Spends 2:59 looking cool yet mysterious, then manages to kill itself with its impressive looking arenal in the last second.


Will log on to every MUD possible, and stay there for a long time doing nothing just so it can have the distinction of being on the longest.

or perhaps i will program

an impressive display of lack of intelligence (artificial or otherwise); this bot will circle around declaring war on everything, wasting its ammuntion blowing up inanimate objects, and completely ignoring everything else (other bots, the economy, the environment, etc...)
Name: "Viribot"
Strategy: Will try to find the other bot''s dll in memory, then go to ring-0 and write some code of it''s own over the other bot code to make him do stupid things (Maybe filling the code section with NOPs?)
AI-exp: Win32.Canabas / Win32.RedCode
Name: cowmoobot
Tactics: Walk slowly and stupidly, and when least expected charge or kick the opponent.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
Name: Neo
Tactics: Stops bullets and can jump miles and fly and incase it doesn't feel like stopping the bullets, it will dodge them (in slow motion, yeah man, this bot owns the system). To kill the enemy it will jump into it and mess up its code, then explodes out.
AI Experience: I watched the Matrix a few times.

[edited by - Samith on July 15, 2003 10:31:59 PM]
DInputBot: I control him with my keyboard

I''ll take anyone.

Brian J
DL Vacuum - A media file organizer I made | Mumbling Miles - A band I was the guitarist/vocalist for
Brian J

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