
Bot's name and his very special tactics

Started by July 15, 2003 11:29 AM
56 comments, last by T2k 21 years, 2 months ago
I think sharing tactical ideas is always good, whether or not it helps you win or lose. Although at this point we don''t have much information on what the bots can do and what they know, so tactics ideas might not be very helpful until we do know those things. In any case, here are some of my thoughts (probably not original, but what the heck).

SuicideBomber: Traps opponent in a corner then drops grenades as fast as possible.

SneakyBot: Hides behind obstacles to try and take the opponent from behind.

SniperBot: Uses a high-powered, long distance weapon (if available), preferably from behind.

StraferBot: Finds the opponent then strafes in an erratic back-and-forth motion while firing.

Map-Strafer: First it maps out the arena so it knows where the obstacles are. Then it finds the opponent and circle-strafes around, firing with whatever weapon is appropriate. As it circles it anticipates the obstacles (which it has already mapped out) so it never gets caught on one.

If you have time:
Implement as many of these as you can, then pit them against each other to see which is most effective.

And remember kids, if one of you wins thanks to my ideas, make sure you thank me!
__________________________________________________________America seems to like crap because its what we make popular. - Goober King
Name : "Snotspill"
Tactic : finds some warrior, rogue or mage, and him/her them to retrieve a magic banner. Then, he kicks ass with the Mighty Tavern Post of Bot Slaying +99.

No magic banners? Damn? Well...

Name : "Devious"
Tactic : find the best path around the map, follow it, shooting at the enemy whenever it has a real chance of hitting him, with the biggest damage possible.
AI experience : genetic algorithms (steering a boid through a field of obstacles), pathfinding, coded many state machines.

Besides, my first program ever was a robot for the game Robowar, on macintosh.


Name: "Deep Blue"
Tactics: Screams commands at me while I try to follow them with my keyboard.
AI-Experience: It worked in chess, why not a bot battle?
Name: Black Widow
Tactic: Repeatedly bite the opponent
AI Experience: Uh... do genetic algorithms count? How about genetic algorithms which have absolutely nothing to do with bot ai?

[edited by - draqza on July 15, 2003 4:07:17 PM]
WNDCLASSEX Reality;......Reality.lpfnWndProc=ComputerGames;......RegisterClassEx(&Reality);Unable to register Reality...what's wrong?---------Dan Uptonhttp://0to1.org
name: Seduction
tactics: tries to seduce his enemy by smooth talkin them, and then lets em have (the problem is half the time Seduction actually does fall in love)

name: Chicken
tactics: tip toes around the arena hoping to not be seen, if he sees the enemy there''s a random change of him shooting at the enemy, shooting at his self, dropping his gun, staying still in shock, playing dead.

AI exp: not much, lil bit of robocode, and a couple other random odd jobs i''ve done, but nothing major
Name: GooglyBot
Tactics: trys to kill the other bot
AI-Experience: none
Name: Insanity
Tactic: Running in a broad circle shooting at everything that enters the circle...
AI Experience: What is AI?
Name: Spartacus
Tactics: Uhm, well, it just uses its vast array of taunts to insult the opponent into submission.
AI experience: None
Name: Mecha_Dammaramu

Tactic: Prematually expending his ammunition whilst showing off.

AI Experience: Quite a bit of theoretical knowldege, but very little experience implementing any of it.
Name: erm... something
Tactic: Win!
AI Experience: I watched the film!

What do people think of my tactic?

[edited by - Xgkkp on July 15, 2003 7:47:22 PM]

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