Original post by NickHighIQ
Wrong. I may not be able to back this statement up as I did not invent the term, but then what is the difference between an 'unorganized serial killer' and a mass-murderer? Why do you think there are two different terms.
Anyway, you're way off topic NiCode.
I'm wrong? well thats the most hilarious thing I've heard all day! LOL!
Do you have even the slightest clue what the difference is, between proper education and the lack of research when making/developing/publishing some movies/books/video games?
Btw.. If you think I got something against video games... I don't.. I just dislike poor minded,self-centered people who don't give a shit about the facts, but hey! what do you expect from someone who makes up a plot/story using other terms(ex:serial killer) and doesn't understand what he said in his recent statement/argument/discussion/post!
A "UNORGANIZED SERIAL KILLER" shows the same acts and has the very same meaning of a "MASS-MURDERER".
Original post by NickHighIQbut has anybody figured out yet that this would not be a serial killer game?
When you are talking about a person who is purposely going to kill 2-30 people in a nonstop killing spree! you are describing a "MASS-MURDERER" which is a "UNORGANIZED SERIAL KILLER" that is a much simpler way for others to understand the 2 categories that Define a serial killer...
Serial killer:
1.organized serial killer
2.unorganized serial killer
I am not off topic. This is what I said and explained the reason why this topic is mislead and off course, therefor the person who made this topic(based on a idea/thought) didn't put as much thought in doing some simple/very easy research on the idea that was presented to him. After you think of something... people actually do some research that can better explain the realism of what they thought about...
In order for you(millatime) to make a game based on a serial killer..
you must study the mentality and physicality for a better understanding of what a "TRUE Serial Killer" is. I gotta go. Have a nice day everyone. Bye.
[Edited by - NiCode on October 2, 2007 3:52:41 PM]