
Award for Best Emotional Response

Started by June 12, 2003 05:35 PM
21 comments, last by cshlin 21 years, 7 months ago
Wow... so many FF7 lovers. Sometimes it seems I''m the only one (thought others have come up in this thread) who wasn''t emotionally crushed when Aeris died, found Sephiroth uninteresting, and was annoyed that they didn''t do more with some of the coolest characters (Red XIII, Vincent, the Turks). I much prefer FF6 or a good translation of FF4 (J2E for instance, I haven''t played the official one). FF6 in particular. The musical themes still give me chills.

Of course, that''s only thinking about single player RPGs. Pretty much any real time game where you''re competing against real people gets the adrenaline going (adding multiplayer to a game seems a lot like adding a forum to a website, it''s more interesting because the content is always changing).
Conker's BFD had a pretty good emotional feel to it when Conker's girlfriend Berry gets wasted (and the resulting 'Aliens' battle that ensues ("Get away from her you BITCH!") ).

Most recently, Metroid Prime really blew me away with it's ending. Still don't compare to Super Metroid when your 'baby' gets killed while healing you in the final battle (nothing like seeing and being Samus royaly pissed off > ).

I think anyone who goes into a MMORPG and ends up in a PvP encounter whilst wearing/carrying highly valued items gets the same rush! I get it just wandering the Wilderness in Runescape

Mouxhim - I can't wait to toy with players' emotions >

- Christopher Dapo ~ Ronixus

[edited by - ronixus on June 13, 2003 3:46:59 AM]
Zelda 64:
I played this game long enough, so I developed this "finally it ends!" feeling when I finished it. Ever since Zelda ran away from Ganondorf (that was after you finish lvl3), we never met her again (I didn't know Sheikh was Zelda) until we finish all levels. Zelda revealed herself (finally!), but only for a couple of minutes, she's gone again captured by Ganondorf (damn it, show me the happy ending!).

When Link finally killed Ganon, they finally met and actually had some time to talk and see each other..well, that's what I thought. But Zelda had to send Link back to his own time (back to when he was a kid), and I was like "what!?" and the darn game played that sad tunes! At the end, Link met Zelda again (as kids), and a "The End" appears. Well..that's just....(I hate to say this)..romantic.

[edited by - alnite on June 13, 2003 7:01:14 AM]
Shenmue II makes me almost believe that I''ve been to Hong Kong.
I think the strength in Shenmue is that you have to do almost everything a regular person does and there is little in the way of unbelievable magic etc. Shenmue 1 was also brilliant but not nearly as big as 2.
Baldur''s Gate II - When I killed my first dragon ever, the battle took something like 10 minutes. The whole time I was filled with adrenaline (strange that a game can do that) and when the dragon finally slumped to the ground, I felt like throwing my hands up in the air and yelling primitively.

Then there''s Quake 1. At times, it could be very scary. Especially when I saw a shambler for the first time. Half-life also had some scary parts. For example when the huge blue thing was chasing you, or when you could hear the huge tentacle-creature clank on the walls and floor, searching for you.

Hell, I even remember that Super Mario Bros 1 evoked strong emotions in me. It was the first game I ever played. I remember myself jumping up from the sofa when ever I wanted Mario to jump and tilting to the direction I was moving Mario. I got over it quickly, though.

Slightly off-topic: FF7 wasn''t such an emotional experience for me. Maybe it has something to do with the bad mood I was in when the Sad Event occured. And from thereon, it isn''t very stimulating anyway.
Never underestimate a simple text mud for emotional reactions.

I''ve been playing this RP-oriented mud for over 3 years now and it still has the power to make me feel really stupid when I can''t keep from crying.

Here''s a list of some of the events my chars have been involved in that really got to me in one way or another.

Arguing with the char that my char trusted the most had me alternating between wanting to punch a hole in the screen and crying. (Yes I''m weird. )

Scenario: One of your friends has died, and you take a group of friends across the ocean to salvage his stuff, and none of you are very skilled. You get there ok and manage to drag all his bins onto the ship to go home...but then halfway there the ship starts sinking... Then after you finally make it back (barely), you have to try to drag several heavy-ass bins across the continent, through town, and to your inn room without anyone noticing.

Another scenario: A vampire has been rampaging for what seems like forever, and you''ve had to huddle together with people you may not even like at night to be even remotely safe. One night one of your friends decides he''s gonna get the bastard, so you party up with some people and the guy goes to lure the vampire out into the open so someone can kill it. Suddenly the vampire walks into the room, and time seems to slow down. You feel like you have all the time in the world to decide what the best way to get rid of him is. And then, almost without effort, you release a firebolt, knowing even as you do that this isn''t going to be fatal to the vampire, but knowing it''s the best you can do. Suddenly the bolt hits the vampire in a vital area, and he turns into mist and floats away, dropping all his items. Suddenly time returns to its usual pace and all at once you''re elated that you killed him (even though it''s not permanent) and amazed that your spell worked so well and dancing around with your friends all at once.

Anyway I could mention many more but you get the idea, heh.
If a squirrel is chasing you, drop your nuts and run.
The best game in that regard that I''ve played would be Metroid Fusion when SA-X is chasing you through the hard-to-navigate vines and gates in one of the last ''levels''. If she caught up to you, you didn''t stand a chance. And she navigated the exact same path perfectly. Once you finally reached ''safety'' my heartbeat rate had doubled and it took me many minutes for it to get back to normal.
Fatal Frame was very scary.

The single greatest moment I have had in video games though was beating Dragon Warrior 3... The moment of realization when I figured out that YOU were Erderick just about blew me away.

Nothing has come close to matching that.

-- Steve --
-- Steve --
I sense a thick fog of spite.
william bubel
Wheel of Time.

Don''t know why though.

- Benny -

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