
what do you think about this idea

Started by May 08, 2003 09:37 PM
162 comments, last by kingpinzs 21 years, 8 months ago
Irony is not your forte is it Plasmadog?

- Chris
lol k I laughed until I cried reading this thread, better than watching happy gilmour.

As for the game Im sad to say Ive thought about this before only I envisioned it being 20 or 30 years down the road and being more of an in-home tutor for everything and a gaming platform on the side. But u know if u want to do it now that woul be good to, I mean I think everyone wants to live there life in cyber space. I hear the food there is really good...

Pain is Temporary Pride is Forever
I am sure that everyone has had an idea for a game like this though. MMORPGs and other games with large worlds probably started out as similar ideas but then when they are actually made the designers need to enter reality and create a limited world and just make it seem infinite and all that. I know I have thought of this same idea before, as I am sure countless other people have.

Personally the impossible game idea that I often like to think about is if there could be a time travel game even in a limited world. It is obviously impossible because of needing to record events and project the future, have lots of instances of the same people, and have every moment in time that has ever happend or ever will happen in the game all being computed at once. lol It is fun to think about though....

At any rate this post was fun to read through. I find it rather funny that this person can't see the impossiblity of an infinite world, although it is probably just someone playing an extended joke for their own amusement.

The first thing I thought of was that they wanted to create the matrix. Actually on The Screen Savers on Tech TV the other day they had Michio Kaku on talking about the new Matrix and X-men movies and the things in them that are impossible and that, it is usually a rather interesting segment when he is on talking about movies. But anyway he was saying that even all the computing power in the world put together couldn't even begin to simulate the Matrix for even one person.

It is fun to think of sensational unrealistic game concepts but probably rather unhealthy to think that they are actually possible and that you can create them. Although lowering your standards every time you post will eventually get you in the realm of possibility.

Anyway, I am done rambling.

EDIT: realized that the first line of my post was "I'm not even going to comment on the impossibility." and that that was exactly what I did so I removed it. lol

[edited by - compumatrix on May 18, 2003 1:23:59 AM]

[edited by - compumatrix on May 18, 2003 1:26:07 AM]
Original post by compumatrix
although it is probably just someone playing an extended joke for their own amusement.

Have you read this guys previous posts in his profile. If its an extended joke, then I think the guy needs a life


Pretty In Pink
Pretty In Pink
nice spirit to keep trying even he is surrounded by flames and impossibility.

[edited by - panzooka on May 18, 2003 9:10:11 AM]
Original post by PrincessDaisy
Have you read this guys previous posts in his profile. If its an extended joke, then I think the guy needs a life

Yeah I guess you're right.

I find this rather umm... interesting (some selections from his post history):

23 August 2002 10:18:33 PM "A Beginner needs help"

30 August 2002 9:07:16 PM "Where can i get tetris game sour ce"

8 May 2003 9:18:16 PM "how do I change varibles in an app"

While these are all legitimate beginner posts (although the questions are answered elsewhere), it underscores the "I am new to game programming and I am going to make Quake 4" attitude.

kingpinzs, we aren't trying to discourage you from making games, we are just trying to say start small. A few years ago when I started programming I thought I was going to be able to just read "Windows Game Programming For Dummies" and be able to whip up the 2d game I wanted to make. However after trying to do that I realized how hard it really was. (There are posts in my post history of me asking how I would go about selling "the game I just started on" and in the end that game never materialized and now I am working at it again.) Then as I got better at programming I revisited it a couple more times. At one point I made a decent pong game (although it certainly had its bugs). Then, I again sat game programming aside for a while and did some other programming to gain experience. Now, I am back at it 3 years later working away at an arcade shooter type game similar to the one I wanted to make back then. It is by no means easy even now to get things right when working on parts of my game, but now I know that I have some programming experience and I will be able to eventually finish my game if I just keep at it and take my time.

I am finding that the most important thing to have when working on my project is the ability to come back to the game after not working on it for a couple of weeks or so and to pickup where I left off and to keep on working at it. I think this is the only way for my to make this iteration of the cycle (of trying and trying again) be the one where I actually complete a game.

End of speech

I hope this will help kingpinzs realize that he should start small, although I fear it will fall on deaf ears.

[edited by - compumatrix on May 18, 2003 2:07:47 PM]

[edited by - compumatrix on May 18, 2003 2:20:46 PM]
Original post by thelurch
Nothing is impossible! Nothing!!!

Have you ever tried to put a string of tooth paste back into the tooth paste tube? No? That''s what I thought...

IMHO this is an elaborate troll.
"-1 x -1 = +1 is stupid and evil."-- Gene Ray
This thread is going in my Favorites folder!

How many nukes could a fat duck duck if a fat duck could duck nukes?
Abnormally large and solar energy charged!
Lets show this to Dell. Maybe then he''ll have more time to work on his game.
Original post by LNK2001
]Original post by thelurch
Nothing is impossible! Nothing!!!
Have you ever tried to put a string of tooth paste back into the tooth paste tube? No? That's what I thought...

Actually if you unroll the bottom of the toothpaste tube open and apply a gentle suction while carefully suporting the string and easing it backwards it'll work. Of course the attendant sacrifice is that the toothpaste tube will be probably be ruined
(EDIT: Quotation)

[edited by - thelurch on May 19, 2003 1:14:49 PM]
---------------------------------------------------There are two things he who seeks wisdom must understand...Love... and Wudan!

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