
what do you think about this idea

Started by May 08, 2003 09:37 PM
162 comments, last by kingpinzs 21 years, 8 months ago
An entire 5 pages!?
1369 words, 186 lines, barely 5 pages , but for a project that ambitious i''d expect at least 50k pages of information.
So know one has any sugtions how I can make a demo first of this game.
Original posts by kingpinzs
So know one has any sugtions how I can make a demo first of this game.
well so far I have a 5 page deisghn doc for my idea and it is still growing
this is what i have so far. pleas leav any sugstions and ideas to improve the game any.
Another thing When you die you have an option to be reborn as some one elsa start a new game or continue in the wrold as some one elsa but not as a child like a body snacher type thing. there also is going to be a fantsy world if the player so desiers.

...and many more such gems.

It is hard to imagine that someone who has so much difficulty typing simple sentences could have the attention to detail that such a large project would require of its implementors. If you want people to take you and your idea seriously, you should perhaps try to sound a bit more credible.
You are not the one beautiful and unique snowflake who, unlike the rest of us, doesn't have to go through the tedious and difficult process of science in order to establish the truth. You're as foolable as anyone else. And since you have taken no precautions to avoid fooling yourself, the self-evident fact that countless millions of humans before you have also fooled themselves leads me to the parsimonious belief that you have too.--Daniel Rutter
I just have problem typing that is about it and I cant spell but that dont mean I dont know what I am doing. I dont belive this is a spelling contest is it.

[edited by - kingpinzs on May 15, 2003 1:55:08 AM]
First of all, you should build a demo not to show how it will be like, but how your programming paradigms work : so my first advice would be to show off some of your code designs. This would include :

- The ability to load 3d objects, textures, and sounds.
- Even better : do it at runtime without a loading time.
- A heightmapped terrain with interseting textures and collision detection, and computer-generated (and generated as fast as possible).
- Trees (in fast-forward so you can see them grow and die).
- Even better if trees are built in fractal fashion at render time, and not loaded from a model.
- Realistic repartition of ground textures : even if sand is plain yellow, grass plain green, and snow plain white (unless you can texture well), we want to see sand near the water, grass under the trees, and snow on top of mountains.
- The ability to save/load the world.

Also, if you have a bit more time on your hands, I would like you to put a picnic table (wooden, preferably) in this demo, slightly tiltes. I would like you to allow the user to put any number of small balls on this table, and let them roll, bounce, bounce off each other, float on the water, etc. :-) that'd be cool!

Now, for your second demo, what about:
- Basic animals? Fetch a free model somewhere on the net without animation, and show off flocking behavior, hunter/prey behavior, and evolution.
- Allow the throwing of small objects (the balls again) by the player. Make them bounce/roll off the terrain, trees, and scare off the birds if it bounces too close.
- Make sure the birds can also land on trees and anything similar.
- Allow someone to see a mountain that is miles away, because that's how it happens in real life.
- Allow the user to make a ball explode, actually setting things on fire and destroying trees and making holes in the ground and killing critters or scaring them.
- Allow the user to pick up stone blocks, carve them into bricks, and stack them to build, say, a 2m high, 10m wide wall.
- Make sure the water evaporates when you set it on fire.
- Allow the player to dig a hole and fill it up again (you want to bury the dead, don't you?)
- Bees pollinizing a patch of flowers. Cute :-)

Anyway, I wish you good lyck with your project! Keep in touch and pull out a demo asap!

EDIT : also make the demo easy to run. If it's anything harder than an unzip, a setup and a few clickes, noone is going to pay some time. Also make it easy to uninstall, especially for an OS type program!


[edited by - ToohrVyk on May 15, 2003 1:57:15 AM]
thank you ToohrVyk for taking me serous. I am very thankful to you and your suggestions. I will do what you suggest.
I just have problem typing that is about it and I cant spell but that dont mean I dont know what I am doing. I dont belive this is a spelling contest is it.

It''s hard to take someone seriously when they can''t even take the time to write a proper post.

The idea''s great, but you''re no Molyneux. Even he wouldn''t be able to implement a game this complex within the next 20 years.
I dont see why you gues think it is so complex.
Okay, I was a little harsh with my last post so I''ll try and be a bit more diplomatic. However, my opinion still stands that the idea is not only ludicrous, but merely an idea and nothing more.

I will start by praising you on at least attempting a design document. You''d be surprised how many people think they can get a game made just by shouting about how great they are. Having said that it needs a lot more detail on the actual implementation. Have a look at...

Thats a nice starting place. You can also find a design document outline here...

Thats will help you see how the mjority of people will lay it out. It will also take you some way to realising just how grand a project the design document is.

I believe you have every faith in your idea because you don''t see any game that betters it right now, and that is very true. Yet it is exactly the reason people baulk at your suggestion. If a team of 100+ professionals have''nt made it yet, there may be a good reason.

thelurch made a lovely heart-rending speech about "nothin is impossible". In response to that, although it is an admirable opinion, I would say "wake-up and smell the coffee". No offense lurch. There are impossibilities and the prospect of you creating this game is probably one of them.

However, the prospect of you prototyping it is not an imposibility.

"I dont see why you guys think it is so complex. "

If you can''t see the complexity, then I''m guessing you have''nt been programming very long (if at all). If you have, then I would say get cracking on a small scale simulation of your ideas. Show people the concept works and that will inspire people to consider tackling the technical challenge.

Once again, I apologise for being a little harsh earlier but I hope this helps in some way.

Best of luck buddy (I mean it this time)

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