
Looking for writers...

Started by May 08, 2003 04:47 PM
-1 comments, last by iancheshire 21 years, 8 months ago
Hello my name is Ian Cheshire and I am looking for a few (1 or 2) people to help me hammer out a story for a mod that I want to make for Half-life 2. I want to get started as soon as possible so we can have as much done as possible before HL 2 comes out on September 30th. I have a couple ideas that we could possibly work with otherwise I am open to creating a totally new idea. By the way, I am looking mainly for people who live on the West Coast (Pacific time zone). If anyone is interested email me or reply - Thanks, Ian Cheshire [edited by - iancheshire on May 8, 2003 5:48:17 PM]

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