Original post by snak_attack
There''s an interesting philosophical question in here that has only been touched on. My apologies for the digression. How is ethics/morality affected when simulation is involved? Imagine a scenario where technology can provide you with very convincing replicas of other humans, whether through VR or robotics. Say there''s a group of people who really hates some ethnic group, people from Atlantis. If they aquire a bunch of simulated atlantians, then do horrible things to them, what do the laws of ethics & morality have to say? Legally, the simulations are not humans, therefore no law has been broken. But if the simulations reach the point where at some level they *really* seem human, and the perpetrators do the act thinking of the simulations as actual atlantans (though not decieved), I think at some level the perpetrators have still committed a condemnable act. To relate it to the original post, does the fact that the character was actually an android really excuse the criminality of the act? (To simplify the argument further, assume that the simulated atlantians aren''t actually intelligent, or concious, so we don''t have to argue whether they have rights of their own)
I didn''t read the book, but they touch lightly on that in the Minority Report movie. Anybody read the book?