
Linux / Windows common API, opengl?

Started by May 22, 2000 06:03 AM
2 comments, last by Shadow Mint 24 years, 4 months ago
Interesting. I''ve been writing a lot in straight xlib: but that does not port to windows at all. I''m curious about another post: somebody said they had a graphical app that compiled ok on both linux and windows with no change to the source. What api / whatevers allow this? I know the opengl stuff is cross platform, but I wasnt aware that it handled the window creation, etc. primitive stuff. Anyone point me to a good source of info on thing of this nature? Thnx!
OpenGL doesn''t handle windowing by itself, but there are a lot of cross-platform windowing toolkits. Gtk and Qt come to mind immediately. If you use the Wine libs in your build for Linux you can (theoretically) use the Win32 windowing calls from Linux. Gtk and Wine are free, I think Qt requires a liscensing fee.
If you use only openGL, you'll need to change your code since you must handle windows creation and other stuff like that.

But you can use glut. It's an openGL extension which allows you to make OS-independant code.

Edited by - Prosper/LOADED on May 22, 2000 10:58:28 AM
*nods* Cool. Thank you. I''ll look up glut & see how much I like it.

Ciao. =)

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