Oh well......thats what i get for using those.....uh...... () thingies....
that was me above
Worst games of the 20th century
"I would like whoever says Quake was a bad game make an engine half as advanced as it"
Wellllll, first of all, engines are not games.
Wellllll, first of all, engines are not games.
...but some games are marketing tools for game engines (Quake, ok, Unreal, too). Ever hear of Genesis 3D

I''d have to say..........
JForce an old miggy game that never seemed to work and when it worked sucked bad with no control or feeling......
Master of GFX
JForce an old miggy game that never seemed to work and when it worked sucked bad with no control or feeling......
Master of GFX
_-=+ Master of GFX +=-_
Original post by GeNoCiDe2
I''d have to say..........
GForce an old miggy game that never seemed to work and when it worked sucked bad with no control or feeling......
Master of GFX
Master of GFX
_-=+ Master of GFX +=-_
Well,i disagree with diablo.The storyline was cliche,i agree,but the game is teaching some isometric-hack''n''slash-RPG fun.Atmospheric music,well laid graphics and excellent gameplay is what made this game classic.
I believe most of game programmers are taking Diablo as their main idea...
Anyway i give it 8/10.
I believe most of game programmers are taking Diablo as their main idea...
Anyway i give it 8/10.
Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
May 20, 2000 12:25 PM
My main beef with Quake is its 256 shades of brown. It looked like someone crapped on my screen.
I thought DN3D was awesome, but thats in stark contrast to NAM, which was basically the Duke3d engine with art drawn by blind monkeys and enemies you couldn''t see meaning you couldn''t take 5 steps unless you used every cheat out there.
That game was truly sucky, but the worst of all time was Rampage on the NES. 3 hours of playing the same level over and over to get CONGRATULATIONS on the screen. Plus they made 2 sequels on the N64 that were exactly the same!!!
I thought DN3D was awesome, but thats in stark contrast to NAM, which was basically the Duke3d engine with art drawn by blind monkeys and enemies you couldn''t see meaning you couldn''t take 5 steps unless you used every cheat out there.
That game was truly sucky, but the worst of all time was Rampage on the NES. 3 hours of playing the same level over and over to get CONGRATULATIONS on the screen. Plus they made 2 sequels on the N64 that were exactly the same!!!
Well... worst games of the century.
OK, I will drop those low-budget games and suggest about worst "high budget" / popular games:
Elite Frontier: When I heard about this game, I didn''t know what original Elite was about. I bought my copy and was on seventh heaven. Little later on I found out how terrible the UI and gameplay was... It wasn''t that terrible, but it was terrible when I compared it to original elite that I found from one of my C64 disks. It was dissapointment, even though it''s kind of classic.
Z (by Bitmap brothers): I really expected lots of things from this game, and it didn''t have almost anything that I were expecting. Z didn''t get good points at magazines, except from one UK-magazine, and people say that the reason why it got nice points from UK-magazine was because they got the game "featured" before it appeared, and this was the cost of feature...
Dungeon Keeper: Again, game sounds great, plot is nice, and then for some reason designers make the game just a clone.
Quake: This is kind of weird... Quake 1 was one of the best games, but I can remember what ID promised originally about this game: "... You can fallow blood paths from floor, and you can use your morningstar to do cool stuff. Enemies have great AI, and they can do surprise attacks blablabla", and what did we get? Just gothic-tecno-shooter! It took LONG TIME for me to realize that Quake 1 wasn''t that bad after all
Cannot remember other games just right now...
OK, I will drop those low-budget games and suggest about worst "high budget" / popular games:
Elite Frontier: When I heard about this game, I didn''t know what original Elite was about. I bought my copy and was on seventh heaven. Little later on I found out how terrible the UI and gameplay was... It wasn''t that terrible, but it was terrible when I compared it to original elite that I found from one of my C64 disks. It was dissapointment, even though it''s kind of classic.
Z (by Bitmap brothers): I really expected lots of things from this game, and it didn''t have almost anything that I were expecting. Z didn''t get good points at magazines, except from one UK-magazine, and people say that the reason why it got nice points from UK-magazine was because they got the game "featured" before it appeared, and this was the cost of feature...
Dungeon Keeper: Again, game sounds great, plot is nice, and then for some reason designers make the game just a clone.
Quake: This is kind of weird... Quake 1 was one of the best games, but I can remember what ID promised originally about this game: "... You can fallow blood paths from floor, and you can use your morningstar to do cool stuff. Enemies have great AI, and they can do surprise attacks blablabla", and what did we get? Just gothic-tecno-shooter! It took LONG TIME for me to realize that Quake 1 wasn''t that bad after all

Cannot remember other games just right now...
Hmmm WORST games? Hooo boy get ready for a list....
Ultima 8 (for being the first truly sucky Ultima that commemorates Richard Garriot''s total creative takeover by the pod people)
Earthsiege (WTF? HERCS? Naw, you guys can say B-tech universe and all that but frankly I preferred pounding down a base with my Direwolf in Mechwarrior 2 at the time)
Tomb Raider (Crappy game, and you had to get a patch to see the only good object in it nude)
Dungeon Keeper (Friggin hype machine...OMG how cool will this be?? Sorry it''s crap)
Warcraft 1&2 (The interface sucked, but was corrected for Starcraft so I forgive Blizzard)
Command & Conquer (OMG Just HOW many times does Westwood expect to rehash the same title? Tiberian Sun was a glimmer of hope till I tried it and found myself back in Tiberian Dawn gfx and play)
Resident Evil 3 (ANOTHER rehash, same sucky control scheme)
Quake (Nice engine, cool mods...but who ever told them to color the game in different colors of brown? Geez every time ID makes an engine Raven has to come and make a kickass game for them)
Civ2: Test of time (WTF? Bundle a less functional [than the orginal Civ2] with some user scenarios and pass it off as a game?)
Traffic Dept. (Can you say repetative and even worse plots than.....)
Wing Commander (The most boring space opera I''ve ever seen, geez this is worse than a Star Trek episode cantered on and around Wesley Crusher)
Unreal (Revolutionary my rear end. Took me about 1/2 hour to load at the time of release, and not to mention the stupid weapons, boring enemies, long boring levels and the friggin Nali Healing fruit. But Epic made up for it with UT)
Companions of Xanth (Holy crap could Legend entertainment make a crappy game in it''s time? Hell yeah, play this nice Edutainment title.)
Phantasmagoria (Horror? Million dollar budget? Movie acting? In it''s time we all said hell yeah! Then we notice that Roberta Williams wrote it and cast her gardener and secretary as the actors)
The Realm (Online game by Sierra, designed by Stephen Nichols. I was up there telling him to do different but all his updates consisted of new monster=different color/size as olf monster, new race=new ugly head on a human body, again varying in size. BIG thumbs down)
Everquest (3d, but same basic deal as above. Bored players, shitty gameplay etc.)
Alien Nations (Ok Settlers got boring and it had 3 sequels...but for another company to CLONE it and add bad voice effects to it? Oh big thumbs down)
Might and Magic 6-8 (Pod people alert! New World Computing, standing for a good interface, nice gfx, a funny story, and less complex but more fun play in pc RPGS has abandoned all that to trust in an outdated 3d engine and a storyline going with Heroes of M&M. Screw you guys, we want Terra and Xeen back!)
Commander Keen (WTF is this crap? You guys trying to tell me that this platformer ruled on the PC at that time? Hell we had Karnov, Thexder, Jumpman, and Lode runner...not to mention the BAD collision detection)
Kingpin (GLIDE ONLY?? The hell were you guys thinking? It'' was a friggin Quake engine. Not to mention when I finally got it to run the gameplay sucked. Hilarious in game comments though)
Saga Frontier 1&2 (Oh Squaresoft, wtf? If you want to make a good 2d style game, make it like the old Final Fantasies or Chrono Trigger....don''t introduce some screwed up combat system that makes you have to level up your character for hours on end!)
Final Fantasy Tactics (A 45 page TUTORIAL? The hell was that? Not to mention bad gameplay and story. Vandal Hearts still topped that one)
FF Anthology (Again another WTF? Bundle 2 games together, one which any fan has already been playing on an emulator a year ago fully translated. Not to mention, we wanted extra dungeons, more stuff, more plot ADDED to these games too. We don''t want to see stupid art sketches etc., well not for 50$ at least)
Parasite Eve (Kickass game until you hit the rat in the opera house...then it becomes a collectfest for stuff, not to mention a crappy combat system. Thumbs down here Squaresoft.)
Ehrgeiz (Crappy fighting game from Squaresoft again. Stick to making what people like....like Final Fantasy and Xenogears and Chrono Trigger.)
Solieu Software Games (Not famous but deserves a mention here as an independant programmer who took popular mini-games such as Sokoban etc. and ruthlessly copied gameplay into 4 color gfx [standard was 256 VGA back then btw] and tried to market these games for 39$ a pop....Booooooo)
Space Quest 5+ (Holy crap, turning good games into a bunch of one-liners and really crappy parodies...*shakes his head*)
EVERY movie game (OH no I have not met a single one that measures up in quality, except maybe the newer MI games and Goldeneye. But for the rest.....bad, bad, bad... all deserve to be swept under the rug and sat on by a big hairy bulldog wearing a diaper)
Mario games (Goddamn, how many times CAN Nintendo exploit poor Miyamoto-san? From x many sequels, each worse than the last [since Mario 3] to typing games, to bad cartoons, etc etc.)
Sonic the Hedghog (He''s blue, he saved Sega, but he''s dead, bury him Sega with your other mascots like Alex Kidd)
Zelda (All except the SNES Zelda. Oh man how can you guys even call this an RPG? Not to mention the last one was all just boring walking from place to place.)
Mortal Kombat (WTF again? Yeah you guys lured an audience of 12 yr olds all right, but what''s behind the blood and finishing moves? A bunch of characters that look alike, dumb ass special moves, very bad controls. Go get schooled by King of Fighters, Samurai Spirits, and Last Blade....THEN you may call it a fighting game)
Java Games (The hell is the point in this? It''s slow, got bad controls, and boring. Get with the picture guys, start using Flash or something better)
Blake Stone (Yeah right guys, a Wolfenstein clone will do REAL good when Doom and Ultima Underworld have been on the market for 2 years)
Deer Hunter et al. (These games deserve to DIE, and long painful deaths at that. Catering to some Redneck fringe group they have succesfully taken over a lot of shelf space in retail stores by the sheer bulk of these crappy products released. I also think it''s funny kids can play these games shooting at defenceless animals....at least the ppl in Soldier of Fortune are armed)
Myst (OH come on, you can not tell me this game is really so damn good. Geez, a bunch of pictures with some puzzles...no plot [cept 3 dudes wanting you to help em], no free movement. And they had a gall to put in a ''making of'' video showing a guy blowing bubbles into a toilet bowl? The game should go into a toilet bowl along with that guy. No this game is not a standard. If you want a good adventure, buy Legend Games or play Zork)
Star Wars games (Hellloooo Lucasarts??? The hell are you guys thinking?? WE do not want Jar Jar Binks'' fun learning adventure....we want more Guybrush Threepwood, and cool Indy adventures. Get yourselves in gear, cause Monky Island 4 had better rock like the others!)
Nascar Games etc. (Screw you guys, I don''t want to race around a boring track...and not in one of those dorky cars....gimme a Lamborghini, some kickass cruising music and let me run over pedestrians!)
New RTS games (Oh crap, why the hell do you guys think you can out do Starcraft with only 2 playable sides and similar units, and bad speech and worse gameplay. Give it a rest guys....innovate more)
Well all I can think of for now.....enjoy!!
Ultima 8 (for being the first truly sucky Ultima that commemorates Richard Garriot''s total creative takeover by the pod people)
Earthsiege (WTF? HERCS? Naw, you guys can say B-tech universe and all that but frankly I preferred pounding down a base with my Direwolf in Mechwarrior 2 at the time)
Tomb Raider (Crappy game, and you had to get a patch to see the only good object in it nude)
Dungeon Keeper (Friggin hype machine...OMG how cool will this be?? Sorry it''s crap)
Warcraft 1&2 (The interface sucked, but was corrected for Starcraft so I forgive Blizzard)
Command & Conquer (OMG Just HOW many times does Westwood expect to rehash the same title? Tiberian Sun was a glimmer of hope till I tried it and found myself back in Tiberian Dawn gfx and play)
Resident Evil 3 (ANOTHER rehash, same sucky control scheme)
Quake (Nice engine, cool mods...but who ever told them to color the game in different colors of brown? Geez every time ID makes an engine Raven has to come and make a kickass game for them)
Civ2: Test of time (WTF? Bundle a less functional [than the orginal Civ2] with some user scenarios and pass it off as a game?)
Traffic Dept. (Can you say repetative and even worse plots than.....)
Wing Commander (The most boring space opera I''ve ever seen, geez this is worse than a Star Trek episode cantered on and around Wesley Crusher)
Unreal (Revolutionary my rear end. Took me about 1/2 hour to load at the time of release, and not to mention the stupid weapons, boring enemies, long boring levels and the friggin Nali Healing fruit. But Epic made up for it with UT)
Companions of Xanth (Holy crap could Legend entertainment make a crappy game in it''s time? Hell yeah, play this nice Edutainment title.)
Phantasmagoria (Horror? Million dollar budget? Movie acting? In it''s time we all said hell yeah! Then we notice that Roberta Williams wrote it and cast her gardener and secretary as the actors)
The Realm (Online game by Sierra, designed by Stephen Nichols. I was up there telling him to do different but all his updates consisted of new monster=different color/size as olf monster, new race=new ugly head on a human body, again varying in size. BIG thumbs down)
Everquest (3d, but same basic deal as above. Bored players, shitty gameplay etc.)
Alien Nations (Ok Settlers got boring and it had 3 sequels...but for another company to CLONE it and add bad voice effects to it? Oh big thumbs down)
Might and Magic 6-8 (Pod people alert! New World Computing, standing for a good interface, nice gfx, a funny story, and less complex but more fun play in pc RPGS has abandoned all that to trust in an outdated 3d engine and a storyline going with Heroes of M&M. Screw you guys, we want Terra and Xeen back!)
Commander Keen (WTF is this crap? You guys trying to tell me that this platformer ruled on the PC at that time? Hell we had Karnov, Thexder, Jumpman, and Lode runner...not to mention the BAD collision detection)
Kingpin (GLIDE ONLY?? The hell were you guys thinking? It'' was a friggin Quake engine. Not to mention when I finally got it to run the gameplay sucked. Hilarious in game comments though)
Saga Frontier 1&2 (Oh Squaresoft, wtf? If you want to make a good 2d style game, make it like the old Final Fantasies or Chrono Trigger....don''t introduce some screwed up combat system that makes you have to level up your character for hours on end!)
Final Fantasy Tactics (A 45 page TUTORIAL? The hell was that? Not to mention bad gameplay and story. Vandal Hearts still topped that one)
FF Anthology (Again another WTF? Bundle 2 games together, one which any fan has already been playing on an emulator a year ago fully translated. Not to mention, we wanted extra dungeons, more stuff, more plot ADDED to these games too. We don''t want to see stupid art sketches etc., well not for 50$ at least)
Parasite Eve (Kickass game until you hit the rat in the opera house...then it becomes a collectfest for stuff, not to mention a crappy combat system. Thumbs down here Squaresoft.)
Ehrgeiz (Crappy fighting game from Squaresoft again. Stick to making what people like....like Final Fantasy and Xenogears and Chrono Trigger.)
Solieu Software Games (Not famous but deserves a mention here as an independant programmer who took popular mini-games such as Sokoban etc. and ruthlessly copied gameplay into 4 color gfx [standard was 256 VGA back then btw] and tried to market these games for 39$ a pop....Booooooo)
Space Quest 5+ (Holy crap, turning good games into a bunch of one-liners and really crappy parodies...*shakes his head*)
EVERY movie game (OH no I have not met a single one that measures up in quality, except maybe the newer MI games and Goldeneye. But for the rest.....bad, bad, bad... all deserve to be swept under the rug and sat on by a big hairy bulldog wearing a diaper)
Mario games (Goddamn, how many times CAN Nintendo exploit poor Miyamoto-san? From x many sequels, each worse than the last [since Mario 3] to typing games, to bad cartoons, etc etc.)
Sonic the Hedghog (He''s blue, he saved Sega, but he''s dead, bury him Sega with your other mascots like Alex Kidd)
Zelda (All except the SNES Zelda. Oh man how can you guys even call this an RPG? Not to mention the last one was all just boring walking from place to place.)
Mortal Kombat (WTF again? Yeah you guys lured an audience of 12 yr olds all right, but what''s behind the blood and finishing moves? A bunch of characters that look alike, dumb ass special moves, very bad controls. Go get schooled by King of Fighters, Samurai Spirits, and Last Blade....THEN you may call it a fighting game)
Java Games (The hell is the point in this? It''s slow, got bad controls, and boring. Get with the picture guys, start using Flash or something better)
Blake Stone (Yeah right guys, a Wolfenstein clone will do REAL good when Doom and Ultima Underworld have been on the market for 2 years)
Deer Hunter et al. (These games deserve to DIE, and long painful deaths at that. Catering to some Redneck fringe group they have succesfully taken over a lot of shelf space in retail stores by the sheer bulk of these crappy products released. I also think it''s funny kids can play these games shooting at defenceless animals....at least the ppl in Soldier of Fortune are armed)
Myst (OH come on, you can not tell me this game is really so damn good. Geez, a bunch of pictures with some puzzles...no plot [cept 3 dudes wanting you to help em], no free movement. And they had a gall to put in a ''making of'' video showing a guy blowing bubbles into a toilet bowl? The game should go into a toilet bowl along with that guy. No this game is not a standard. If you want a good adventure, buy Legend Games or play Zork)
Star Wars games (Hellloooo Lucasarts??? The hell are you guys thinking?? WE do not want Jar Jar Binks'' fun learning adventure....we want more Guybrush Threepwood, and cool Indy adventures. Get yourselves in gear, cause Monky Island 4 had better rock like the others!)
Nascar Games etc. (Screw you guys, I don''t want to race around a boring track...and not in one of those dorky cars....gimme a Lamborghini, some kickass cruising music and let me run over pedestrians!)
New RTS games (Oh crap, why the hell do you guys think you can out do Starcraft with only 2 playable sides and similar units, and bad speech and worse gameplay. Give it a rest guys....innovate more)
Well all I can think of for now.....enjoy!!
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
May 23, 2000 11:58 AM
nobody has a fuc*ing clue what bad really is until they''ve not just SEEN this game... but... (gasp)... played it...
LOL...... enjoy
LOL...... enjoy

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