Worst games of the 20th century
Rise Of The Robots <- it DOES Suck, and i payed $60 for it, the worse money i ever spent.
That was the worst game I've ever played, and not because it was on a Atari 2600 {which I still own and use regularly.}
It's because it completely missed every mark:
- It scared the c*** INTO me and my friends when we were 7,8,9. This didn't help since this was the market they were after.
- It was completely pointless. It was hardly related to the film at all and had no real goal.
- Impossible to beat. This game could have been an entry for the Lame Game contest over at Flipcode; that is if it hadn't actually been published. Also, it missed the target market again, people with minds just beginning to develop logic.
- Just plain annoying/frustrating Yet again, missed the market; people with curt attention spans.
So how does it stack up today. Not any better since it still doesn't make any sense and remains impossible to beat. Think of the opponents as fast as the Pink Demons from Doom {sorry, never really played it that much} with the uncanny ability to know where you are like the bots {set to Godlike} in UT.
Edited by - SonicSilcion on May 15, 2000 5:30:18 PM
Anything after 1992.
I think that was about the time people forgot how to make games and learned how to make engines.
Windows and Unix suck, I''m going back to CP/M.
I think that was about the time people forgot how to make games and learned how to make engines.
Windows and Unix suck, I''m going back to CP/M.
I have played a lot of mediocre and bad games. Those do not fit into the category of "The Worst Game Ever"...
By the way "Going Postal" is not a bad game... It is one of the best solo-action-games i have ever played...
-Osmo Suvisaari
Edited by - Osmo Suvisaari on May 15, 2000 5:44:26 PM
By the way "Going Postal" is not a bad game... It is one of the best solo-action-games i have ever played...
-Osmo Suvisaari
Edited by - Osmo Suvisaari on May 15, 2000 5:44:26 PM
Ok, i have a couple of games that i think shouldn''t have bothered to be in production.
1.)Kingpin...gawd, they must have spent months hiring different people to say motherf****r over and over.
2.)Quake 3*ba da da dum!*...the only thing i can give is textures. The gameplay lacks(mebbe the bonus pack will change this), i felt the weapons were crudely thrown together, etc. UT beats this on ALL points.
3.)Final Fantasy 8...Sorry FF Fanatics, but this one sucked compared to 5,6,7 too much time spent in graphics work and not enough of a good plot.
4.)Diablo(*double gasp*), yes thats right, Diablo, sure it was sort of ground breaking, but truly, the gameplay sucked and multiplayer sucked even more. Once you beat single player once you really didn''t feel like going back and finding the best armor and books. And multiplayer was hacked to hell, ''nuff said.
5.)The Command and Conquer Series, ack, so boring i can''t stand to even think of playing them. Go play Starcraft at least, this one is bland, boring, nothing new or too original.
Now for some of the good games i''ve seen...
1.)Reach for the Stars...a GREAT turn-based strategy game for the Apple IIGS(yes, i still have mine and i luv it!).
I still think if they ported it to current standards it would become a refreshing taste of Turn-Based Strategy in this RTS dominated genre.
2.)Fallout 2...Possibly one of the most open-ended RPG games in existance. Not groundbreaking on the technical side of things, but it is a truly great RPG which i can see dominating over the FFs(which are getting a little old).
3.)Thief, didn''t get the best reviews, but i think it changed the FPS genre. Instead of all the others where you go in guns blazing, this truly emphasized hiding and not being seen/heard/found out.
4.)Exile/Exile II/Realmz, yes, i had to put some shareware on my list, these are the best shareware RPG/Fantasy games i''ve seen in a while, nothing really exciting, but to be able to do so well in a big-gun-company governed market..kudos to the designers/programmers.
Anyway, i think i''ll be on the stand a bit now, but hey, opinions are part of what makes us unique!
1.)Kingpin...gawd, they must have spent months hiring different people to say motherf****r over and over.
2.)Quake 3*ba da da dum!*...the only thing i can give is textures. The gameplay lacks(mebbe the bonus pack will change this), i felt the weapons were crudely thrown together, etc. UT beats this on ALL points.
3.)Final Fantasy 8...Sorry FF Fanatics, but this one sucked compared to 5,6,7 too much time spent in graphics work and not enough of a good plot.
4.)Diablo(*double gasp*), yes thats right, Diablo, sure it was sort of ground breaking, but truly, the gameplay sucked and multiplayer sucked even more. Once you beat single player once you really didn''t feel like going back and finding the best armor and books. And multiplayer was hacked to hell, ''nuff said.
5.)The Command and Conquer Series, ack, so boring i can''t stand to even think of playing them. Go play Starcraft at least, this one is bland, boring, nothing new or too original.
Now for some of the good games i''ve seen...
1.)Reach for the Stars...a GREAT turn-based strategy game for the Apple IIGS(yes, i still have mine and i luv it!).
I still think if they ported it to current standards it would become a refreshing taste of Turn-Based Strategy in this RTS dominated genre.
2.)Fallout 2...Possibly one of the most open-ended RPG games in existance. Not groundbreaking on the technical side of things, but it is a truly great RPG which i can see dominating over the FFs(which are getting a little old).
3.)Thief, didn''t get the best reviews, but i think it changed the FPS genre. Instead of all the others where you go in guns blazing, this truly emphasized hiding and not being seen/heard/found out.
4.)Exile/Exile II/Realmz, yes, i had to put some shareware on my list, these are the best shareware RPG/Fantasy games i''ve seen in a while, nothing really exciting, but to be able to do so well in a big-gun-company governed market..kudos to the designers/programmers.
Anyway, i think i''ll be on the stand a bit now, but hey, opinions are part of what makes us unique!
Quest 64. Why?
1. no story
2. no intelligent dialogue
3. crappy battle system
4. hours of mindless monster hunting for levels
5. bland areas which were easy to get turned around in
6. bad music
This was the game that killed my interest in the N64.
1. no story
2. no intelligent dialogue
3. crappy battle system
4. hours of mindless monster hunting for levels
5. bland areas which were easy to get turned around in
6. bad music
This was the game that killed my interest in the N64.
Confucius say: Do not disturb sleeping dragon, for you are crunchyand will taste good with ketchup.
Sounds like the majority of low-end console RPGs to me. You know, amnesiac monster hunter on a quest to avenge his foster-father''s death whilst overthrowing the evil empire?
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
TOmb raider series , for cryin'' out loud I hate that bitch , and I hate that game could give 1000 reasons , but @ work now .
All vague notions must fall before a student can call himself a master.
All vague notions must fall before a student can call himself a master.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
So far, for FPS, I agreed that Quake is indeed a bad game (so is DN3D). Poor sound effect & music, and really dull as compare to DOOM2. Doom2 graphics are calorful, Doom2 sound effect is terrific & Doom2 musics are GREAT! I even play it muzak sometimes when I''m programming. OK, Quake was not the worst... there''s still Witchaven1&2. 
And for RTS, C&C Red Alert and C&C Tiberium Sun sucks. When I need to build one unit from top and another from bottom.....argh... stupid interface! More on seeing movies (cutscene) than playing. Multiplayer sucks too. Unfair AI - One AI could launch 3 nukes before even I launch one..... not much improvement from the orginal C&C and even worst. Square-ish game, units need to be exactly on the square before it can attack or change command. I wonder what WestWood is doing?! Even it''s good''ol Dune2 is more fun to play.
....I had enough already....

And for RTS, C&C Red Alert and C&C Tiberium Sun sucks. When I need to build one unit from top and another from bottom.....argh... stupid interface! More on seeing movies (cutscene) than playing. Multiplayer sucks too. Unfair AI - One AI could launch 3 nukes before even I launch one..... not much improvement from the orginal C&C and even worst. Square-ish game, units need to be exactly on the square before it can attack or change command. I wonder what WestWood is doing?! Even it''s good''ol Dune2 is more fun to play.
....I had enough already....
"after many years of singularity, i'm still searching on the event horizon"
whats wrong with all you people bagging great games like quake1, 2 and 3 ...... duke nukem 3d and the like?! these were ALL GREAT GAMES ..... i played all fanatically and know how great the fan base is for games like that, surely these MILLIONS of people cant be wrong!?
whats wrong with all you people bagging great games like quake1, 2 and 3 ...... duke nukem 3d and the like?! these were ALL GREAT GAMES ..... i played all fanatically and know how great the fan base is for games like that, surely these MILLIONS of people cant be wrong!?

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