
Worst games of the 20th century

Started by May 13, 2000 01:18 PM
122 comments, last by Magic Card 24 years, 4 months ago
Rise of the Triad PC and keith of courage tg-16 they both sucked major d**k

Edited by - the dictator on May 14, 2000 4:31:30 AM
Have you ever played The Crow?Bad gameplay,movement that sucks,action for laughter and the worst of all:What is the purpose of this game?What is its target?Surely not to be based on the movie(which i find fantastic).Well from the time i installed it it took me less than a minute to uninstall it.
Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
I''ll go with Rise Of The Robots,
Damn that game was terrible.

I''m at a draw here, ''Greed'' or ''European Air War''. Who in their right mind would release a 1999 game in dazzling 256 colors and only 640x480 (EAW). After giving it a go, I found the AI brickish, the planes more like iron turkeys, and the look, feel, and gameplay cartoonish. Within a week, I pawned that game off on someone else who was sucked into the hype and had 400 hours to download the constant flow of patches streaming from the manufaturer.

''Greed'' - or more appropriately know as ''When Lego Men Go Bad''. The game had potential, if only the graphics, AI, gameplay, and map layout just didn''t reak so bad. A post Quake stinker.

''Pro Football 98'' - a stinker of a football game from Sierra. My friend insisted that it was ''more tactical oriented'' than other football games. I looked at it and said ''the graphics are more dated than the other football games.'' The controls were obscure, and the AI impossible. Coaches Club (I picked it up for $2) had better feel and control than ''Pro Football.'' It had a shorter life span than ''Greed'' did on my hard drive.

In the disappointment of the year category, at least for 98(?), Quake II. It didn''t bring anything new to the table that Quake hadn''t brought already. Aside from the addition of particle effects and higher poly count targets, it wasn''t what Quake was to Wolfenstein 3D - an evolutionary product. Quake II fell into cookie cutter clone land and offered no inspiration to even consider getting Quake III.

The Lemon award goes to Fighter Squadron:Screaming Demons Over Europe, for simply not running out of the box, due to a CD reaffirmation bug/piracy protection scheme that kept insisting you insert a CD that was already there.
Oh, YEAH! Street Fighter: The Movie: The Video Game.

Whose bright idea was this little stinker? Hollywood makes a complete bollucks of a well known franchise, then release a game based off of a movie, based off of a game? PLEASE!

Edited by - Landfish on May 14, 2000 1:27:08 PM
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
I kind of liked Rise of the Triad ...

Oh! I thought of another one:
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. It was too easy for action fans, too annoying for Tomb Raider fans, and had nothing at all for GA fans! Personally I think Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is one of the greatest games ever, and then to produce that sh**... gets me upset.

Atypical Interactive
------------------------------Changing the future of adventure gaming...Atypical Interactive
I have only read about it but I think Leeds United Championship must have been one of the worst. It came out in the early 91, 92 or 93 and was made basic.

Another manager game that also sucked ass was 1st division manager. I actually played that game a couple of hours. I can''t see how they can make a game where you can''t win away...

Quake II sucked.
Total Annihilation sucked.
Tomb Raider sucked.

But the winner of them all must have been WITCHAVEN II.
Turok 2, N64 (PAL version at least)
Oh boy that was a *terrible* game... 5 fps, 2 if you had the 30 quid (cough) expansion pack that supposedly made it run ''super smooth, high resolution''... the level design was appauling (level 5 - Copy Paste Copy Paste Copy Paste Copy Paste Copy Paste [sorry it all looked the same]). Also there was loads of lag when you were moving or looking around, and the fog was worse than turok 1 !... and the wosrt thing is all the great reviews of like 90+% in magazines... that was the worst scam ever... and it was a scabby black cartridge.. and the box was flimsy... and the manual was WRONG... lots of time.... and... and... and... I better stop otherwise i''m gonna explode!

Nick - Head Designer,

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Nick - Head Designer, our website...Llamasoft.netGames, goodies and ingenuity
Beyond the Beyond? Hmm... I kinda liked that game.

This is a tough one, because there are a lot of apparently terrible games out there that I never played after being warned off by the unfortunate souls that had. But one of the worst games I''ve played is Jewel Master for the Sega Genesis. Uggggh.

-Joe [Ironblayde]
Aeon Software
(website currently down)
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"
I agree with Landfish...Beyond the Beyond was the most boring, tedious game ever made...The only reason I bought it was because it was the only RPG out for PSX at that time

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