Original post by IFooBar
story IS RP. You get to play the role of someone else, it''s pretty simple. Maybe what you meant to say was that the games nowadays are too linear?
Sure, story is RP, but it''s P''ing a specific R. Best case, it''s like acting in a play, worst case, it''s like reading a book in the first person. Even if the game is non-linear, being forced into a specific role kills part of the appeal P&P RPGs have taken for granted all these years. Sure, you can identify with someone else''s persona, but never as closely as you can identify with your own. (at least, I hope not)
And there is a hell of a lot of game...Exploration/Interation/Emotion/Battle/MORE, it''s all there, how can you say there''s no game?
Because the exploration is limited, the interaction is forced, the emotion is spoonfed (fnord). Heck, even some of the battle sequences are unavoidable - worse, most are designed in ways so that you''ll get through them sooner or later. All of these things take away the "fun" for me.
Then I suggest you play pen+paper rpgs. Cause with the level of AI these days I dont think this is possible. You will always be *put* into a role if you play an rpg (unless you make one).
It doesn''t take THAT much AI to get a semi-workable system going. Look at the aforementioned Darklands. That game is 11 years old and still manages to present concepts other RPGs ignore. Quests, political environments, the perception of your character - these all can be modelled fairly simply and maintained to the point of decent immersion with VERY little data and VERY little effort.
If all you want to do is play your own role then why not write a story with you as the main character?
This not only misses the point completely, but illustrates why other people often miss the point. I don''t want my GAME to have a set story. I want something new and exciting to happen each time I play it. I want to build up reputation, or fall down a stupid pit trap, or get mad because the shopkeeper decided Skeleton Death Paladins weren''t welcome in his store any more. The point is, I don''t want to know what happens ahead of time. I don''t want ANYONE to know what happens ahead of time. I want a game where I can share my experiences with other game players and have them be intrigued as much as I was when I played it, not "Hey, what was it like when you fought Boss-guy-18? Huh, me too."
Besides I''d rather play the role that the developer has created, cause it''s all worked out, the world in an rpg _works_ (most of the time)
So you''re basically saying, "I want them to do the imagining for me?" That''s too bad - and really, you might be better served getting a good book or movie instead of your next RPG in this vein - there''s plenty out there with far better writing and/or visuals than what you can get out of a game.